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Using the OSCE as Part of the License Examination in the Korean National Licensing Examination Board-Visitor Report on the Use of Standardized Patients


客觀結構式臨床技能考試(Objective Structured Clinical Examination, OSCE)是一種用以評估教與學的工具,經由精心設計過的多站考站方式,測試學習者的臨床能力,並藉以評估教學的成效。自1990年代起,加拿大和美國的醫學教育學者陸續測試以OSCE作為醫師證照的考試方法之一,隨後將OSCE列為取得醫師證照考試的必須通過的先決條件之一。在亞洲地區,日本是最早採用OSCE做為醫學生資格考試的國家(2005年),韓國則是第一個正式將OSCE納入醫師證照考試的國家(2009年)。鑒於許多先進國家多已正式將OSCE列為醫師證照的考試項目之一,考選部在2009年10月初也正式宣示我國將於民國101年將「通過OSCE考試」列為醫師國考考試前的必備條件之一。為了此項任務,臺灣醫學教育學會OSCE小組受考選部委託,特地組成「臺灣醫學教育學會韓國OSCE國考參訪團」前往韓國實際了解韓國實施OSCE作為醫師證照考試的準備、宣導、施行……等所可能面對的問題,作為我國未來規劃高階OSCE在醫師國家考試時的參考。本文即是此次觀摩中,韓國OSCE國考中有關「標準化病人」部分的報告與建議。


OSCE 標準化病人

Parallel abstracts

The objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) is an assessment method used to evaluate teaching and learning effectiveness. The OSCE has been part of the national licensing examination boards in Canada and United Stated of America since 1990s and also in Japan since 2005. In South Korea, the OSCE has been officially introduced as part of licensing examination for the national medical board as of last year. In Taiwan, the Ministry of Examination has announced that the certificate of passing the OSCE will be used as prerequisite for the national medical board from 2012 onwards. As a result of this, the OSCE team members from the Taiwan Medical Education Association was assigned to visit the Korean National Health Personnel Licensing Examination Board (NHPLEB) in order to gain an understanding of the preparation that had taken place in Korea for the change and to pinpoint any problems that might be faced during the introduction of the OSCE examination. The overall aim was to help medical education in Taiwan by making suggestions for the OSCE changeover in 2012. This visit report targets the use of standardized patients in the OSCE.

Parallel keywords

OSCE standardized patient


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