  • 期刊


Technology Development and Policy Planning of Climate Change in Taiwan-A Case Study of Netherland Innovative Water Management System




The major goal of the study is to understand the Netherlands' ”innovative water management system” that revolves around local water resources in response to the climate change issue. By means of this discussion, the conclusion provides the way of the policy planning and technologies development to Taiwan for adapting climate change. The government of Netherlands plan to develop the ”innovative water management system” based on ”regional water integration” to solve the problems mentioned above. According to this system, the government of Netherlands wants to integrate the local sources of water for getting much water to use, and tries to use local water system as a source of energy. Furthermore, they plan to establish the whole new ”floating city” on surface water. In this way, The government expects to increase the water use efficiency that can satisfy the future new cities' water needs in each different region, respectively. Through water management development comparison between Taiwan and the Netherlands, we propose a suggestion to adapt the challenges of climate change in Taiwan, and that is developing the innovative water management based on the concept of local area water integration and trying to incorporate the government's third land development plan- ”Strategic Plan for National Spatial Development” which emphasis on regional development proposed in 2010. The water management system can be reestablished by in the perspectives of organization, land, law, finance and governance reforms.


