  • 期刊


Revisiting Relationship-orientation Theory: An Organization-public Relationship Perspective


本文旨於導入「關係取向」理論,探討當代華人社會中公共關係作業之「組織與利益關係人」關係。研究目的希望補充目前西方公共關係理論欠缺社會心理學及文化心理學觀點的問題。其次,也希望探討「關係取向」理論的跨學科應用,尤其著重其與公共關係理論及組織網絡理論等領域之對話。 本研究採取質性深度訪談法。在研究設計上採取「三角驗證原則」,透過資料校正、分析者校正、理論校正,以及方法校正等原則,提高質性研究最可能產生的效度及信度問題。本研究共涵蓋兩類受訪者的訪談資料:(1)一九九九年四月至五月間,針對十三位行政院國會聯絡人訪談所得資料,以及(2)二○○一年十二月至二○○二年一月間,針對二十二位企業內及公關公司公關從業人員訪談所得資料。 研究發現顯示,楊國樞與佐斌的「關係取向」理論對於當代華人社會之「組識與利益關係人關係」確具相當程度之解釋力。其次,以關係取向理論為基礎,本研究提出關係取向二因子模式,包含關係中心取向及關係理性取向二因子。另外,考量專業化及現代化的多重挑戰,本研究探討關係中心行為與關係理性行為,與人口變項以及組織結構變項間的關聯性,研究結果初步顯示,此二類行為與西化及專業化間呈現類型上的關聯性。


This paper explores Relationship-orientation theory with an emphasis on its application to organization-public relationships in the Chinese context of public relations operations. It addresses general problem areas in the Western public relations literature, factoring in the implications of social psychology and cultural psychology for organization-public relationships. It also identifies opportunities for interdisciplinary application of the Relationship-orientation theory and provides a discourse between public relations theories and organization network theories. In-depth interviews were used for this qualitative study, which adopts the principles of methodological triangulation for data triangulation, researcher triangulation, theory triangulation, and method triangulation in order to enhance research validity and reliability. The study covers the findings on two types of interviewees: 1) 13 Executive Yuan liaison officers with the Legislative Yuan from April through May 1999, and 2) twenty-two PR practitioners from PR agencies as well as in-house PR practitioners from December 2001 through January 2002. Based upon Yang (1992) and Zao's (2000) theories, this paper further develops the Two-factor Relations-Oriented Model, which includes relation-centered orientation and relational-rationality orientation. This model factors in multifold challenges from professionalism and modernization. Thus, the correlations between and among relation-centered-oriented behaviors, relational-rationality-oriented behaviors, demographics, and organization structure variables, are investigated. The preliminary findings of the results demonstrate significant correlations among these variables.


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