  • 期刊


The Perspective of Cultural Creativity and Charitable Trust Aspects on the Faith of Sustainable Planning


「永續」的定義爲:「能滿足社會的當前需要,又不損害子孫後代的需求」。因此,作爲一個國家發展目標,「人與自然」就必須處在於生產性的和諧。而這個挑戰往往涉及國家政策,相對的也使許多不同領域有了共同的意向性(Intentionality)。 以文化設計創意和公益信託的角度思考永續規劃,主要是在當代的社會氛圍下,產生了跨領域「殊途而同歸」的現象。就西方的「文化創意」而言,目的就是要解決產業轉型後的失業問題,更將產業無煙囪化;另一方面「公益信託」卻是民間非營利組織在政府該有所爲而不爲下,民間對環境保育與文化財保護的救濟方式,不過這些不同的論述,卻也因爲「永續規劃」有了結合。 目前臺灣政府雖然在政策上標榜「永續」,也通過高額預算發展「文化創意產業」,但在國家政策上,有時卻爲了短期經濟利益而背道而馳,例如曾經將具有歷史價值的建築賤賣,近年又出現會高度影響環境的國光石化案,這些政策相對使臺灣民間保護文化與環境的「公益信託」受到矚目。由於「迎接新北投火車站回家」與「守護白海豚」信託分別具有文化保護與環境保護價值,且爲臺灣較受矚目的公益信託案,因此,本研究將由文化創意和公益信託角度思考如何藉由「永續規劃」的理念,保存、創造聚落與環境價值,使人類生活能充滿幸福感。


The definition of ”sustainable” is ”to meet the present demands of society and maintain at length without interruption or weakening for offspring.” Thus, as a goal of national development, ”human beings and nature” must be maintained in productive harmony. This challenge is also involved in the national strategy and ecological economics and corresponsively resulted in common intentionality in different fields. Although so far Taiwanese government claims ”sustainable” policy, and passed a large amount of budge developing ”Cultural creative industries” as well, sometimes it proceeds in opposite directions when it comes to short-term profits, such as selling historical valuable architecture with much cheap price, and the case of KuoKuang Petrochemical Project in recent years which might cause severe environmental disruption. Since ”Welcoming Xin-Beitou Train Station Home” and ”Guarding White Dolphins” are valuable cases in cultural and environmental conservation and well-known in Taiwan, the two charitable trust events are chosen as study materials. Therefore, the study considering sustainable planning by way of analyzing cultural creativity and charitable trust viewpoints is based on the phenomenon of the common intentionality crossing fields in modern society. Hopefully, this study will make a contribution to conserve and create the value of environment, tribes, as well as happiness in human being's life through cultural creativity and charitable trust aspects.


