目的:探討不同網球運動經驗者進行互動式網球遊戲時之運動強度差異。方法:受試者為30名年輕男性(年齡:23.13±2.03歲、BMI:23.41±2.87公斤/公尺^2),且無Wii Sports之遊戲經驗,其中包括:大專甲組網球選手10名(TG組)、體育相關科系曾修習網球課程至少兩年者10名(PG組)及無網球運動經驗者10名(CG組)。受試者在熟悉實驗儀器與環境後,各進行一次30分鐘的Wii Sports網球遊戲,實驗過程中經由配戴可攜式氣體分析儀與Polar錶,蒐集攝氧量(V.O2)、心跳率(HR)、代謝當量(MET)及呼吸交換率(RER)之變化。實驗所得資料以獨立樣本單因子變異數分析,考驗三組受試者各依變項之差異顯著情形。結果:CG組無論是HR(137.9±19.10次/分)、VO_2(21.3±3.31毫升/公斤/分)、MET(6.1±0.95)、RER(0.89±0.05)或RPE(13.8±1.93)等變項,皆分別顯著高於PG組(HR:109.4±20.86次/分、VO_2:16.8±5.2毫升/公斤/分、MET:4.8±1.47、RER:0.83±0.05、RPE:11.8±1.69)與TG組(HR:101.6±10.95次/分、VO_2:15.4±3.34毫升/公斤/分、MET:4.4±0.95、RER:0.83±0.05、RPE:10.6±1.78、p<0.5),而PG組與TG組則皆未達顯著差異水準。結論:具有實際網球運動經驗者在進行互動式網球遊戲時,相較於無網球運動經驗者而言會有相對較低的運動強度,顯示運動經驗是互動式運動遊戲強度的重要影響因素。
This study examined the effects of different tennis experiences on physiological response during playing Wii sports-a virtual tennis video game. In this study the tennis experience was defined as the tennis player group (TG; player of the tennis in Division I college sports, n=10), the physical education major group (PG; at least two years of tennis playing experience, n=10), and the control group (CG; college students without any experience of playing tennis, n=10). Subjects were 23.1±2.03yr of age, 23.41±2.87kg/m^2 of body mass indexes without any experience of playing Wii sports virtual video games. All subjects played the Wii sports tennis game for 30 minutes. The portable cardiopulmonary analysis system, MetaMax 3B and Polar system were used to examine the physiological responses, including the VO2, HR, MET, and RER. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. It was found that HR (137.9±19.10bits/min), VO2(21.3±3.31ml/kg/min), MET (6.1±0.95), RER (0.89±0.05) and RPE (13.8±1.93) of the CG were significantly higher than the PG (HR: 109.4±20.86bits/min, VO2: 16.8±5.2ml/kg/min, MET: 4.8±1.47, RER: 0.83+0.05, RPE: 11.8±1.69) and TG (HR: 101.6±10.95 bits/min, VO2: 15.4±3.34ml/kg/min, MET: 4.4±0.95, RER: 0.83±0.05, RPE: 10.6±1.78). However, there was no difference between the PG and TG. It is concluded that during playing virtual interactive tennis games, experienced tennis players show the lower cardiopulmonary responses than others, suggesting that the exercise experience is an important factor to influence exercise intensity when playing virtual interactive video games.