  • 期刊


The Evaluation on Curriculum Plan Performance-A Case Study of "Natural Science" Course in Kainan University


大學教育中的科學教育課程在今科技快速發展的現實及趨勢下,日益顯得重要。然而,對於選讀文法商領域的大學生,在以往所受或未來即將接受之科學相關課程的學習上,質與量均有不足之現象,且專業系所的課程亦大多未規劃有關自然科學或科技的課程,學生於大學生涯中,恐只能藉由通識教育的課程中,方有機會修習到科學科技的課程。因此,通識教育中之科學課程的規劃與設計便相對顯得重要。本文以「自然科學概論」課程為例,說明數年來課程規劃的過程,並檢討初步施行的情況。本文採用本國學者斯知勤(2002)研究翻譯之中文版科學素春問卷TBSL(Test of Basic Scientific Literacy)做為檢測、瞭解本校學生科學素養之工具。並進一步利用此量化工具評估所規劃的課程,以為未來課程改進的部分客觀依據。從此番課程規劃經驗中可以得知,欲達成完善的課程設計不是一蹴可成,需要反覆的思考、設計、實施、驗證、檢討、再設計的過程方能達成。


Natural science-related courses are gradually important in today's high-tech society. However, to some non-engineering-based colleges and universities, the scientific knowledge teaching might be provided only in general education courses. In the context, how to properly and well design the natural science-related courses would be a key issue. This article is to describe the design and plan process over years of a course named ”natural science” in Kainnan University and its performance of virgin teaching. The TBSL, Test of Basic Scientific Literacy, was used to survey the scientific literacy of students in Kainan University and was used as a tool to evaluate the course performance. From the whole process of this curriculum plan and design, the experience and results we obtained is the course plan is not only one-time work but a multi-times process including cycle of thinking, design, test, evaluation, rethinking, and redesign.
