  • 期刊


The Learning Experiences of Participating in an Emotional Management Course - For Students in a Military College


國內外研究顯示個人的情緒管理能力與其在職場上的表現有關,軍中研究則顯示軍人都有壓抑情緒的現象;是以,本研究的主要目的,在於瞭解成員參與情緒教育課程之學習經歷,以及協助部隊建立在心輔工作上實用的、足以增進官兵情緒管理能力的課程或學習方式。據此,本課程依肢體覺察與認知檢核兩大主軸分為十二次團體,從身體覺察開始,透過訓練個體覺知、開發自我的肢體與感官,進而認識自我的情緒狀態,並經由自我認知結構的檢核,達到瞭解自我情緒與壓力的來源,同時也學習放鬆壓力與情緒紓解的因應之道。 本研究以質性研究法中之觀察、焦點團體訪談和實物分析等方法蒐集資料,並進行資料的相關驗證。研究者以便利取樣法,抽取某軍校二十六位同學參與課程的研發工作。課程實施後之結果如下: 1. 參與課程後,成員們從身體再度認識自己,並能知其與情緒管理的關連性。 2. 成員們對身體鬆和緊的感受逐漸趨近課程所設定,部分成員也覺察到自己的改變。 3. 成員重新覺察自己的呼吸,覺得在吐吶之間,可以將壓力釋放。 4. 課程開發成員的感官敏銳度,並發現人類面部表情在人際互動上的重要性。 5. 團體歷程顯現出個別成員的差異性。 此外,研究者並針對課程內容、成員之個別差異性、團體追蹤效果評估、與領導員之專業倫理等方面提出研究限制和課程修編建議。


The research showed that the personal ability in emotional management was related to his/her performance in work. In addition, the research in the military also showed that soldiers were used to repress their emotion. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to understand those members’ learning experiences of participating in an emotional management course and draft an emotional management course in order to help soldiers improve their EQ ability. Based on this purpose, this course was draft with two themes(body perception and cognitive examination)and twelve group units to educate members to develop their body and sense, aware their emotion, and realize the sources of their emotion and stress through cognitive examination. In the meantime, they could also learn how to relax themselves in proper ways. The researcher used observation, focus group interview and material analysis to collect data. The research sample was 26 students in a military college and some results are: 1. After training, members reknew themselves from their body, and realized its relationship with emotional management. 2. Members gradually sensed the tense and relaxation of their body and some members even perceived their own change. 3. Members resensed their own inhalation and exhalation, and felt that those were very new and happy experiences. 4. The course developed the members’ sensation, and they found the importance of the human’s facial expression in the interpersonal interaction. 5. From the group processes, the researcher found individual member’s differences in their performance probably because of personal traits, gender, or the extent of self-disclosure. In addition. The research also addressed the research limitations and suggestions for the course revision based on the course content, member’s differences, the group follow-up effects and ethical issues, etc.




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