  • 期刊


The Influence of Income on Marital Power and Marital Violence


本研究探討夫妻的收入對婚姻暴力及權力的影響。研究者依夫妻之相對收入將70 對丈夫為施暴者的夫妻分為「夫收入高」(n = 25)、「收入相當」(n = 20)和「妻收入高」(n = 25)三組。研究者回溯參與者初次暴力發生前的衝突情景,用由事務、情感及資源三個權力維度組成的婚姻權力臨床量表評量其婚姻權力。研究者以統計方式比較這三組,描述其暴力特徵,並探討收入對婚姻權力的影響。統計結果可證實「在三個權力維度中,收入與資源權力最相關,且為正相關,而與情感權力相關性最低」的假設,並發現:(1)妻子的收入較高,尤其是貧窮與丈夫罹患精神病的夫妻,婚姻暴力較嚴重;(2)收入較高的妻子,婚姻權力也較大,但只有與資源維度是正相關;(3)「夫收入高」組的丈夫在三個權力維度上都是優勢,「妻收入高」組沒有任一維度為妻優勢;(4)「收入相當」的夫妻最平權;(5)不論妻子的收入高低,丈夫都情感權力優勢。本研究的發現可佐證「施權宰制」、「無權反撲」及「性別矯飾」等現象,並討論四個臨床處遇的要點:(1)處理婚姻權力結構的變動:揭露/面對舊結構、共構/適應新結構;(2)面對問題、修補關係;(3)喚醒女性關係權力潛能、教導男性獲得關係權力的能力;(4)更有意識地與配偶共同建構平權關係。


This study explores the influence of spousal income on marital violence and marital power. Seventy couples with husband-to-wife aggression were recruited from a psychiatric center and were divided into three groups based on spousal income: (a) husbands higher in income (n = 25), (b) equal in income (n = 20), and (c) wives higher in income (n = 25). The authors tracked participant's marital conflicts which occurred before the first violent episode, and measured couple's marital power by the Marital Power Clinical Rating Scale, consisting of matter, affection, and resources subscales. Results supported the hypothesis that, among three components of marital power, spousal income positively correlated with resources power the most, yet correlated with affection power the least. The results also revealed that: (a) couples with wives higher in income suffered severer marital violence, especially when the couples were poor or the husbands had mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia, anxiety disorder); (b) the more the wife's income, the greater the marital power, but only the resources power positively correlated with her income; (c) couples with husbands higher in income were husband-dominant in all the three marital power dimensions, yet couples with wives higher in income were wife-dominant in none of the marital power dimensions; (d) couples with equal in income were the most egalitarian ones; (e) no matter how high the wife's income was, her husband had greater affection power. The clinical implications were discussed in four areas: (a) help couples deal with the changes in marital power structure; (b) help couples confront their problems and mend their marital relations; (c) develop wives' relational power, and teach husbands to obtain relational power; and (d) help couples coconstruct egalitarian relations in a conscious manner.


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