



Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a common childhood pervasive developmental disorder and its prevalence is rising in across countries. Impairment in social interaction, such as lack of joint attention, social orienting and pretend play, is the first sign and the most specific core symptom of autism. Impairment in communication is also a prevalent and specific sign. Repetitive behaviors and restricted interests are important core symptoms of autism, too. The etiology and mechanism of ASD are multifactorial and not yet fully understood. Current evidence shows that multiple factors, including genetic factors, contribute to atypical presentations in the process of neural development and thus leading to the clinical symptoms. Behavior therapy is a treatment strategy most strongly supported by evidences for improving the core symptoms and functional development of ASD. Treatment of ASD requires collaboration from multidisciplinary professionals. Primary care physicians can play their part during child development assessment and evaluate the children if they show autistic features or other developmental disorders, and refer the sick children to child psychiatry department and early treatment center for further assessment and treatment.


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