  • 期刊


Effectiveness of Group Counseling on Interpersonal Relationship for Children with Asperger's Disorder




Objective: This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of group counseling targeting interpersonal relationship for children with Asperger's Disorder. Methods: This research adopted an A-B-A' single-subject experimental design. The participants were two children diagnosed with Asperger's Disorder by a board certified psychiatrist. The first child was a first grade student while the second was a second grader. The participants received group counseling in the intervention phase but not in baseline or maintenance phase. The two children participated in 10 semi-structured sessions of interpersonal relationship group each lasting 70 minutes. The independent variable was the group counseling program and the dependent variable was the communication and expression ability. Behavior Observation Checklist on Communication and Expression was used for the assessment of ability to communicate and expression, and a higher ability in the domain. Results: The communication and expression ability of the two participants improved after intervention. In the baseline and maintenance phase, the tendency of communication and expression behavior decreased stably. The first child's score increased stably, while the score in the second child increased with fluctuations, meaning a difference between subjects in response to group counseling. Conclusion: Group counseling enhances the effectiveness on interpersonal relationship for children with Asperger's Disorder.


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