  • 期刊


Care of a Newly-diagnosed HIV Positive Patient: A Case Report




愛滋病 阿米巴腸炎 無望感


This report describes the nursing experience of a 30-year-old homosexual male who experienced depression, desperate and anxiety status and his adaptation process to the positive result of HIV test. The nursing period was from 2 Dec to 17 Dec 2014. The patient was also interviewed by telephone twice after discharge. The Grodon 11 functional health pattern assessment was used as assessment framework, and data of the patient were collected by physical evaluation, observation and closed interview. We analyzed and concluded several main problems of the patient, including (1) anxiety related to knowledge deficiency on AIDS, uncertainty in future and alienation of human relationship, (2) diarrhea related to Amoeba colitis infection, and (3) negative thoughts related to hopeless and positive result as a HIV carrier. During the nursing period, we first established a trustable patient-medical staff relationship. Through persistent care and encouragement to express patient’s feelings and with additional help from social workers and social resources, we provided emotional support opportunely to release his anxiety. With respect and protection of privacy of the patient, we communicated with the patient smoothly and sought his family support. We used guideline sheet and booklet to improve patient’s understandings of the disease; we educated the patient on the topics of disease transmission route and protection measures and adaptation skills to regain confidence, so that he could return to normal family life and workplace, and adapted physically, mentally and socially.


AIDS Amoeba colitis hopeless


