  • 期刊


Cross-bordered Hybrid-creolization: Construction and Re-presentation of Gang-shan Goatmeat Eating Culture




羊肉 豆瓣醬 混種 融合 全球化


Eating goatmeat is not normally recognized as part of Taiwan's traditional food culture. Its localization at Gang-shan is a result of tempo-spatial evolutional processes of hybridization and creolization in succession. Traditionally, the Gangshan area produced abundant supplies of goatmeat, and originally this was considered as no more than a cheap source of sacrifices and tonic foods in winter. It was not identified as a local product until the R.O.C Air Force retreated from the mainland and migrated to Ganshan. As a result of this historical transition, mainland provincial goatmeat-eating consumption habits were introduced, and the technology of making spicy Sichuan soy sauce was introduced at the same time. A final factor was the 'hybrid-creolized' development of sweet soy sauce of the Japanese-Taiwanese type. All of these three elements contribute to the localization of Gangshan goatmeat-eating culture by the inseparable pairing of goatmeat and soy sauce. The island-famous goatmeat soup with rice noodle, goatmeat stewed with angelica radix, and goatmeat hotpot developed from this new combination. Local goatmeat foodservice industries, however, face fierce challenges from imports of competitively-priced frozen goatmeat due mainly to Taiwan's increasing globalization. This challenge has prompted the local government and related industries to organize a cooking contest in the form of a goatmeat culture festival, trying to re-contextualize the localized food culture heritage and to develop new ways of cooking and eating goatmeat dishes. Historical investigations aside, this study adopts a culture-spatialized approach to examine the evolution of this hybrid-creolized food culture in Gangshan.


不著撰人,〈宰羊補冬〉,《臺灣日日新報》1901 年11 月12 日,4 版。
不著撰人,〈羊肉暢消〉,《臺灣日日新報》1909 年11 月10 日,3 版。
不著撰人,〈人參羊肉汁〉,《臺灣日日新報》1911 年3 月12 日,3 版。


