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Transition without Justice, or Justice without History: Transitional Justice in Taiwan


Depending on their particular historical-political situations, new democratic regimes have adopted different strategies to tackle the problems of transitional justice, such as how to deal with the perpetrators of the former regime, how to compensate victims, and how to rectify the history of that traumatic past. This essay discusses how Taiwan's unique approach to the problems-reparations for victims but not holding anyone accountable, much less prosecuting the perpetrators-has been affected by the mode of democratic transition, the ethnic situation, ”the moment of repression,” and other factors. Moreover, in Taiwan, the historical records of atrocities received little attention. Contending that the historical memory of the authoritarian past has an important role to play in the civic education for a democratic citizenry, this essay also calls for rendering truth to history, but in a way that can bridge the ethnic divisions in the historical memory.




Jon Elster(2004).Closing the Boob: Transitional Justice in Historical Perspective.Cambridge, UK:Cambridge University Press.
Amy Gutman,Dennis Thompson,Robert I. Rotberg,Dennis Thompson (ed.)(2000).Truth v. Justice: The Morality of Truth Commissions.Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press.
Herbert C. Kelman,V. Lee Hamilton(1989).Crimes of Obedience: Toward a Social Psychology of Authority and Responsibility.New Haven, CT:Yale University Press.
Andrew Rigby(2001).Justice and Reconciliation: After the Revolution.Boulder, CO:Lynne Rienner.
Adam Michnik,Vaclav Havel(1993).Justice or Revenge.Journal of Democracy.4(1),20-27.


Bekhoven, J. V. (2018). 解開台灣與巴拉圭原住民的雙重壓迫: 以原住民的土地權和自治權為中心 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201800117
