  • 期刊


The Trade Triangle among the U.S., Taiwan, and China




We approach to analyze the US-Taiwan-China trilateral economic relations through differentiating the establishment of economic regulatory regime from economic interactions. The process of the economic regulatory regime establishment relating to the three countries is basically the spillover of the political dynamics of the US-Taiwan-China triangle. On the other hand, the economic interactions of the three sides manifest themselves in the following linkage. The order was taken in Taiwan, and then it was manufactured in China. Finally the products are sold in the United States. This linkage is built through Taiwanese businessman. Because neither does Chinese businessman nor the American businessman demonstrate similar trilateral linkage, Taiwan is put in a position extremely sensitive to economic dispute between U.S. and China. This dynamic also puts Taiwan, through its businessmen's existing heavy investment in China, to align closer with China than with the U.S. After comparing the economy with the political dynamics of the U.S.-Taiwan-China triangle, we came to the preliminary conclusion that closer or better economic interaction would not necessarily lead to better political relations neither would the bad political relations worsen the economic interactions. That is, the economic triangle and political triangle do not demonstrate positive or negative correlations.One immediate implication is that the U.S. government's advocacy of closer cross-Strait economic relation not only did not necessarily reduce the Taiwan Strait tension, but it also could result Taiwan to align closer with China than with the U.S. in economic sphere, resulting to a development usually contrary to the expectation of the United States. Since the triangle presents challenges and long term risk for Taiwan, it is suggested that Taiwan needs to increase the quality and quantity of the direct Taiwan-U.S. trade and to strengthen the market capability for Taiwan. Those measures will ameliorate the negative impacts of the current triangular relationship.


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