  • 期刊


Preventive Health Care in the Elderly-From Guideline to Clinical Practice




In Taiwan, the population aged 65 years or older continues to increase, and the chronic conditions are the major health problems in the elderly. Recently, the evidence from a systematic review demonstrated that periodic health examination has a beneficial effect on the delivery of several clinical preventive services, justifying thereby the continued implementation of periodic health examination in clinical practice. Therefore, the need for preventive health care in older adults is expected to grow continuously and become more important in the future. In Taiwan, preventive health care has become increasingly popular as it is now covered by the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) and private services. However, while certain guidelines have been established for the preventive services, some of the practice is not evidence-based. There remains a gap between guideline and clinical practice in the field of preventive geriatrics. A preventive service might lack evidence either because no effective studies have been performed or because the evidence is insufficient to recommend for or against the service. In this study, we focus on the evidence in asymptomatic elderly and present the content of preventive health care from the perspective of history taking, physical examination, laboratory screening, immunization, and chemoprevention. Existence of inconsistencies in some of the guidelines proposed by different medical sub-specialties in respect of preventive geriatrics makes universal recommendations difficult. History taking and physical examination form the basis of preventive health care despite of clinical evidence. We render screening recommendations for various conditions and diseases, including depression, visual and hearing impairment, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and cancer. We emphasize counseling for health promotion, especially counseling on lifestyle issues, such as smoking cessation, treatment of problem drinking, proper nutrition, and exercise. Issues about immunization and chemoprevention are also discussed. The recommendations of our study derive from available evidence-based guidelines, especially those by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF); other issues not recommended by the present guidelines are discussed on the basis of best current thinking.


