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A Narrative Study on the World Unique Badminton Champion: Tang, Xian-Hu




生涯轉換 敘說研究

Parallel abstracts

Coach is very important in any athletic team that he or she can directly affect team players' performances in both practice and game. In badminton field, most well known players have a great coach who can always provide effective education and instruction, which are necessarily helping those players to success. A lot of badminton players have been trained in hopes to represent their countries in many international competitions. Chinese Taipei has had many great badminton players who are highly internationally competitive. However, Team China has been a very strong team that it has been very challenging for Team Chinese Taipei to win. It would need some improvements from different aspects to enhance the Team Chinese Taipei capability to compete with Team China and other great teams in the world. Coaching skill is one of those aspects that could be improved since Team China's coaching methods seems to play a necessary role in helping the team to achieve their victory. Hence, this study focuses on how a great coach could positively affect team's performance by analyzing the coaching experiences of a coach of Team China. Mr. Xian-Hu Tang is a very skillful coach of Team China that his coaching experiencing which could be helpful to other coaches in Chinese Taipei. The purpose of this study is to understand how a world-class coach leads a badminton team and helps players to achieve their goals. Overall, according to the narratives from Mr. Tang, the main conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. Development of the players' positive attitudes and self-confidence. 2. Discovery of the player's personal interests and career direction. 3. Demonstration of leadership in the player's future development.

Parallel keywords

career transition narrative inquiry


Badminton World Federation, , http://www.bwfbadminton.org/page.aspx?id=14900, 2015 年2 月16 日檢索。
Clandinin, D. J.、Connelly, F. M.、蔡敏玲譯、余曉雯譯(2003)。敘說探究:質性研究中的經驗與故事。臺北:心理。
中羽在線網,〈缔造傳奇:王文教前国家羽毛球隊總教练〉,http://bbs.badmintoncn.com /thread-212066-1-1.html, 2015年2月16日檢索。
