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Discussion on Choosing a Nursing Home Based Upon the Elderly View-Point


本篇論文之目的係由老人觀點來討論如何選擇一家適當的養護設施給予需要養護與監管服務之老人(Nursing and Custodial Care)。論文資料採用美國養護機構與設施之經驗,以提供台灣養護業者、保健專業與老人家庭之參考。第一段討論老人養護機構面臨之三大困境:嬰兒潮之退休老人急速增加,老人或老人家屬無法負擔昂貴之養護費用,絕大多數之養護機構嚴重缺乏養護服務人才。第二段分析養護機構之服務特色,包括:行政管理、護理服務、住民權利、餐飲服務以及環境特色等。第三段描述如何評估與選擇養護設施之標準以供老人與其家屬之參考。結論建議老人家屬在安置老人進入養護機構時應先陪同老人訪視數家養護設施,並建議台灣衛生與社會福利當局、老人保健專業、安養護業者與老人家庭共同建立一種客觀公正之監察仲裁人制度,以協助老人與養護機構之適當服務。


The purpose of this paper is to discuss how to choose a good nursing home for the elderly based upon the viewpoint of the elderly. The terms of nursing home, boarding care, shelter Care, inter-mediate care, and skilled nursing care facilities are explained in the Preface. The first section discusses the three major problems faced by all nursing homes: first, the rapid increase of retirement from the Baby-Boomer generation. The total U.S. population just crossed the 300 million mark in 2006. There are more than 35 million Americans are 65 or older; 4.2 million are 85 or older. By 2010, the numbers will rise in both groups, with the most striking increase in the 85+ age group, which will expand over 30 percent to 5.8 million. Second, the heavy burden of nursing care cost can not be borne or paid by the elderly or their families. American nursing home expenses are paid by Medicare (12%), Medicaid (70%), and elderly private funds (18%). The rate of payment varies from $278.00 (Boston) to $561.00 (Alaska) a day. Third, the critical shortage of nursing care manpower was found in 91% of all nursing home in the United States. There is a need to increase 7.6 million dollars a year to employ 77,000 to 130,000 registered nurses, practical nurses, aides and other workers. The second section analyzes the basic service characteristics of nursing care facilities. The concept of long-term care was explained. The Federal Regulations and Requirements of a Qualified Nursing Home were briefly summarized. They are related to Administration, Nursing, Resident Rights, Food Services, and Environment Characteristics. The third section describes the criteria of evaluation and selection of a nursing home. They included observation of resident appearance, staff-resident ratio and activity, facility environment, resident rooms, hallways, stairs and lounges, bath and shower rooms, kitchen and dining areas, menus and food, resident activities, and miscellaneous items. The conclusion suggests that the family members of the elderly must accompany their elderly to visit several nursing homes before the placement of their elderly is made. The family members of the elderly need to consult the elderly care professionals, social workers, and religious leaders to cope with their guilty feeling of placing their elderly into nursing care facilities. Finally, it is also suggested that the Health and Social Welfare Administration of Taiwan Government and elderly care professionals as well as all related organizations should develop a program of Ombudsman to oversee and assist the elderly and nursing home staff.
