  • 期刊


Ye Jiaying and Ke Qingming's Observations on the Theory of a "Mental Vista"




Among the numerous researchers on the "Poetic Remarks in the Human World" (Renjian Cihua), Ye Jiaying (Florence Chia-ying Yeh) and Ke Qingming both took the aesthetic route to systematically analyze the meaning of Wang Guowei's theory of a "mental vista" (jingjie). Their analyses are ground-breaking and very influential among researchers. Ye utilized the "intuition" concept to explain the first eight remarks of the "Poetic Remarks in the Human World ", and the "inspiring and moving" (xingfa gandong) concept to compare and contrast theories of "inspired interests" (xingqu), "spiritual resonance" (shenyun) and of "mental vista" to support the ninth remark. Instead, Ke consistently explored the meaning of the first nine remarks with the "intuition" concept. From the aesthetic analyses, the two scholars proceeded to further illustrate the significance of the theory of a "mental vista" on the ethical dimension. However, Ye employed the "sincerity" concept similar to the Confucian thinking of integrating aesthetic judgment and moral judgment, to demonstrate Wang Guowei's view on the essence of literature. Ke derived the "truth" concept from the "intuition" concept, to demonstrate how Wang Guowei integrated western aesthetic theories. In fact, Ye and Ke' s discussions about the theory of a "mental vista" not only complemented Wang's literary thought, but acquired significance within their own respective theoretical frameworks. This paper constructs Ye and Ke's interpretative modes on the aesthetic dimension regarding "intuition" and "inspiring and moving," and on the ethical dimension regarding "sincerity" and "truth," to explore the theoretical significance of these modes.


王國維:《王國維全集》(杭州:浙江教育出版社,2009 年)。
石沖白:《作為意志和表象的世界》(北京:商務出版社,1982 年初版)。
佛雛:《王國維詩學研究》(北京:北京大學出版社,1999 年)。
柯慶明:《境界的再生》(臺北:幼獅文化,1977 年)。
柯慶明:《文學美綜論》(臺北:長安出版社,1986 年)。
