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The Correlations and Transitions between Aboriginal Parents' Educational Expectation, Students' Self Awareness and Academic Achievement in Taitung County, Taiwan


本文旨在探討原住民的教育期望、子女知覺與學業成就的關聯與變遷情形。以TTPES 2003年國小六年級學童和2005年國中二年級學生作資料分析,其中六年級原住民樣本為951人、國中二年級為844人,資料來源是以兩個年度的學生學習與生活問卷和家長問卷為主,並針對學生做標準化學科能力測驗。 研究結果顯示,(一)不同的原住民學童知覺父親對其之教育期望有所不同,其中排灣族學童知覺父親對其之教育期望,明顯高於阿美族學童;(二)對台東縣國中二年級學童而言,不同族群的父親對子女的教育期望也有所不同;(三)隨著年齡的增長,原住民學童越能正確知覺父母對其之教育期望,但學童知覺父母對其之教育期望以及父母實際對子女之教育期望均有降低的趨勢;(四)子女知覺父母對其之教育期望與父母對子女教育期望兩者間有明顯相關;(五)不論是原住民學童知覺父母之教育期望,或者是原住民父母對子女之教育期望,都會影響到子女的學業成就。


This study was aimed to find out the correlations and transitions between aboriginal parents' educational expectation, students' self awareness and academic achievement. Target students used for information analysis were a group of sixth grade students in the 2003 school year, (TTPES) and a group of eighth grade students in the 2005 school year. Numbers of sixth grade sample students with aboriginal background were 950 and 844 for eighth grade students. Information used for analysis are basically from students’ learning, daily questionnaires and parent questionnaires, also focusing on the grades of the standardized academic tests giving to students. The results were as followed: (1) Students of different aboriginal tribes all were aware of the different educational expectations of their fathers, in which fathers of Paiwan students had significantly higher educational expectations than Amis fathers; (2) As for eighth grade students in Taitung county, educational expectations of fathers from different aboriginal tribes also differ; (3) As the students got older, they could more precisely knew their parents' expectations. However, students awareness on parents' expectations and the parents' actual expectation levels tended to drop as the students got older; (4) There's a true correlation between students' awareness on parental expectation and the actual parental expectation; (5) No matter whether it's the aboriginal students' awareness on parental expectation or the actual educational expectations of aboriginal parents, both would had influence on students' academic achievement.


