



This article aims to examine the correlation among the eight translation procedures and one non-procedure identified in the English translation of Chinese empty words. To manifest their correlation, the correlation coefficient is adopted. Eventually, two findings are obtained. Firstly, the use frequencies of the procedures/non-procedure are mutually affecting, which signifies that a rise in the proportion of a certain procedure would lead to a fall (or another rise) in another procedure. Meanwhile, there may be procedures/non-procedure the proportion of which remains unchanged. Secondly, the procedures of Omission and Grammatical Conveyance are the only two translation methods that have a negative correlation with almost all others (the sole exception is a mutually positive correlation between these two procedures themselves). It is inferred that the empty words being omitted are generally more difficult to translate than other words, so translators' insistence on tackling these words would lead to a rise in other procedures/non-procedure.

