  • 期刊


Improving Toileting Abilities in Elders Living in Long-Term Care Facilities




Background: Self-toileting is a complicated and complex activity. Inability to perform such can impact negatively upon the physical health, psychological health, and quality of life of affected individuals. Staff caregivers in long-term care facilities lack a theory-based intervention to improve toileting abilities in elders who live in long-term care facilities.Purpose: This study tested the effectiveness of a theory-based intervention program on improving the toileting abilities of elders living in long-term care facilities.Methods: This study used a research design that was experimental, two-group, and longitudinal. Data was collected four times, respectively, at baseline and at 2 months, 4 months, and 6 months post-intervention. Care facility staff administered a theory-based intervention designed on Bandura's social cognitive theory to subjects in the experimental group.Results: A total of 274 subjects participated in the study, with 120 assigned to the experimental group and 154 assigned to the comparison group. The experimental group recorded statistically significant changes in lower-body strength and flexion and extension in both hips and knees. The comparison group recorded statistically significant changes in knee extension degrees only. Results showed lower body strength, perception of pain, and degree of right knee extension to be significant predictors of self-toileting abilities (R^2 = .53). Although toileting ability improved in the experimental group, the change was not statistically significant. The comparison group further showed no statistical changes in toileting behavior, and these changes present unstable state.Conclusions / Implications for Practice: This study provides valuable information that staff caregivers can apply in theory-based interventions focused on enhancing elder self-care abilities and self-efficacy in order to sustain the self-toileting abilities of elders living in long-term care facilities in Taiwan.


