  • 期刊


Analysis of Trunk Rotation Patterns When Swinging at Different Golf Club Speeds


過去研究顯示,評定高爾夫球運動表現的方法,除了差點的高低之外,桿頭的速度也能反映選手運動表現,而且桿頭速度與運動表現呈現正相關(Fradkin et al., 2004; Fletcher et al., 2004)。高爾夫的揮桿動作中,軀幹的旋轉影響甚大。上桿動作依賴軀幹旋轉儲存肌肉彈性位能,製造下桿時的軀幹旋轉速度。因此軀幹動作模式也是影響桿頭速度的因子之一(Myers et al., 2008)。自1992年開始,學者McLean提出X因子,用以描述橫狀面上,上半身與骨盆的角度差。McLean從職業選手的動作裡發現距離較遠的選手在上桿頂點時,其上半身旋轉的角度與骨盆全轉角度差(X因子)較一般選手大,因此認為這是重要能夠影響擊球距離的因素。本此研究結果顯示,軀幹為了製造出較快的桿頭速度,較快的桿頭速度組在下桿、擊球瞬間以及送桿的時間點,產生的X因子的數值顯著大於正常桿頭速度組。


X因子 高爾夫揮桿


As the trunk plays a vital role during the golf full swing, it is important to understand how body movements affect the golf swing. The purpose of this study was to determine how golfers increase club head speed through trunk rotation. Trunk rotation patterns were captured by 3D motion capture system at 250 Hz. To investigate the effective factors of increasing club head speed, we compared two situations; swing at normal club head speed and at accelerated club head speed, via the trunk rotation angles at three dimensions through six temporary events. The results showed that subtle differences between normal club head speed and accelerated club head speed. To increase club head speed, golfers might optimize the separation between shoulder and pelvic in the early downswing.


X-Factor Golf swing


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