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The application of flipped classroom on improving college physical education teacher's teaching efficacy by using multimedia technology-the case of swimming class




Purpose: Watch the teaching material online over and over again but think actively about how to perform these skills. But what content is effective multimedia and how to interactive with students in flipped classroom? The study aims to attempts to integrate flipped classroom teaching model into physical education and in order to enhance learning motivation and effectiveness of students. Methods: We produced the power points which were associated with the skill analysis of breaststroke and butterfly before the curriculum started. We collect the data by the questionnaire of students' learning effect and how the students performed their swimming skill. Meanwhile, we also use the qualitative research to analyze both the students' opinion and teachers' introspection. Results: 1. The multimedia material including breaststroke and butterfly skill analysis was successfully completed and was provided for students with PowerPoint and films on the learning system. Over 90% students could finish the homework. 2. Based on the questionnaire data, over 94% students could figure out the important skill from the multimedia material and felt the structure could be helpful to their skill learning. But different level students had different learning effect. The learning effect of multimedia material between the breaststroke and butterfly was different. 3. The level of teaching methods, the satisfaction of curriculum and structure, learning instinctive and interesting, inside acquirement and curriculum experience writing were higher than the average of whole school curriculums. 4. Over 85% students could improve their swimming skill. The significant difference was that the times of students' discussion and interaction with teacher and classmates was getting increased. Conclusion: The Different level students had different effect by using multimedia material. The learning effect of multimedia material among different swimming styles was also different. It means that the content of multimedia material should be considered more details.


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