  • 期刊


Research Opportunities in Multimedia-Assisted Swimming Instruction at the College Level




Innovative physical education teachers can use cameras to capture images of learners in real time, isolating concrete details of the performance. However, there are currently few research designs in Taiwan that focus on providing swimming learners with multimedia-based feedback. This article conducts literature analysis on relevant research identified via Google Scholar and Airiti Library, using keywords such as videos, multimedia, and teaching swimming. Further research with similar keywords also was conducted via Airiti Library. This study presents a summarization and evidence-based discussion of findings related to the intersection of multimedia technology and swimming teaching. The goal was to propose practical strategies and methods for teaching at the university level. Results indicate that future college swimming teaching research can be quasi-experimental and based on multimedia theory, designed in combination with different forms of multimedia. The learning content is designed based on the principle of skill learning sequences. During instruction, the learner's actions are analyzed through playback of motion video. Multimedia teaching behavior is verified via the checklist of multimedia teaching contents. Comprehensive analysis and discussion of learning effectiveness could use objective skill assessment, subjective skill assessment, and the teaching satisfaction scale. With the design of multimedia swimming teaching research and real-time visual image feedback, learners can accurately obtain learning guidance, meet individual learning needs, stimulate learning motivation, and cultivate autonomous learning ability. This promotes higher-quality sports training and performance.


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