  • 期刊


Impact of Individualized Instruction on the Learning Outcomes of Low-Achieving Students Who Received Remedial Instruction




The study was commissioned under the contract of the K-12 Education Administration. In this study, 2,168 students in Taiwan who joined the remedial instruction program were randomly selected. A mediation model was applied to analyze the procedure by which individualized teaching influences the learning outcomes of remedial instruction through self-attribution and learning motivation. The analysis results suggested that the direct effect of individualized teaching on the learning outcome was .86. Furthermore, the partial mediation model was more acceptable than the complete mediation model. The results obtained from the partial mediation model are provided as follows: Individualized teaching affected the learning outcomes of low-achieving students who received remedial instruction directly and indirectly through self-attribution and learning motivation. Finally, on the basis of the results, conclusions were drawn, and several policy-making suggestions were proposed for educational authorities in Taiwan.


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