  • 期刊


The Nutritional Supplement Strategies Based On The Characteristics of Basketball


在體育競賽過程中,如何延緩運動員的體能下滑、維持最佳運動表現,一直都是教練與運動員相當關注的議題。除了平時的專項技術訓練之外,飲食攝取及體能狀態都是影響運動員體能的重要關鍵。醣類是人體中最主要的能量來源,長時間運動會促使體內醣類分解以維持血糖濃度及運動表現,也是供應籃球這類高強度運動的主要能量來源。過去許多研究探討補充醣類對於運動表現的效益,發現運動中補充醣類可有效延長運動員之運動表現、維持血糖濃度,並延緩體內肝醣的利用。然而近年有研究發現,補充醣類-蛋白質除了能提升運動表現,更能有效改善肝醣含量並延緩肌肉損傷。而從過去間歇運動的文獻發現,運動中每15 分鐘增補6 - 8 % 葡萄糖及果糖之混合醣類及1.5 - 2.7 %的乳清蛋白 (醣類:蛋白質 = 3 - 4:1),是能有效提升籃球運動員表現並改善肌肉損傷之增補策略。


How to delay the physical decline and maintain the best performance during sports competition has been the big issues for coaches and athletes. In addition to the routine training, well controlled diet and physical state are also the important key to upgrade the physical ability of athletes. Carbohydrate is the primary source of energy in the body, prolonged exercise increases the rate of carbohydrate break down in order to maintain blood glucose level and athletic performance. Many studies shown that carbohydrate supplementation could improve the performance, maintain blood glucose concentration, and delay the use of the body's glycogen. However, recent studies have found that carbohydrate-protein supplementation could effectively improve glycogen content, athletic performance and prevent muscle damage. Previous studies regarding intermittent sport had found that supplementation combining 6-8% carbohydrate and whey protein (carbohydrate: protein = 3~4:1) every 15 minute during exercise might be a beneficial strategy to enhance the performance of basketball players and improve muscle damage recovery.


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