  • 期刊


Beach Resort, Garden Spa and Water World Workplace Experience Course of the Narrative: The Student's Point of View




This is a qualitative research, the narrative of the students' point of view, showing the experience of the Department of Recreational Sports Health junior, Beach resort, Garden Spa, & Water World Workplace Experience course. Data collection method is based on narrative interviews with the main other internship programs, student internships logs, researchers log and reflection internships multiple files compiled for the construction of the text, stating respondents and practical field the Introduction, the course of study, participants yean checking, to establish the trustworthiness of the study. Interpretation of the ”Exposition-cafeteria attendants”, ”Ali-Spring Resort waiter” & ”hooligan-Water World play pool area administrator ” the three workplace attachment scenarios life story, found that students in workplace internships interactive, learning to human interaction with independent ability to cope with work related learning and the accumulation of experience, recognize the hard work and dedication of the junior staff incentive to hold their own course in college senior, and continuously enrich the special skills and certification to enhance their capabilities to meet the industry's demand understand workplace practice experience course the students are essentially inspired. Of students can be workplace internship experience a new concept, the Department of the teachers carefully revised curriculum aligned with workplace needs to seek the support and assistance of the relevant companies should increase in the number of internship for one academic year or six months, as soon as possible young students for career contacts and explore effective integration of schools and industry resources, the implementation of personnel training to expand intern jobs, to create a high-quality industry-university cooperation and effective learning environment for vocational students, teachers and students , the industry, the concept of the joint efforts of parents.


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