  • 期刊


Kinetic Analysis for Footstrike during Running at Different Speeds of Elite Runners


Of all the ground reaction force (GRF) characteristics, the vertical component has received the greast attention from a research standpoint. Because of its magnitude, it dominates the resultant GRF. Characteristics such as maximum force, first peak force, loading rate, decay rate and impulse can be readily quantified and have a functional relationship to the running performance. What is the influence of running speed on the GRF? The purpose of this study was to compare the differences of kinetic variables between the speed ranges of 2.0m/s to 4.0m/s, and to insight into the interactions between running speed and kinetic variables, two force plates which have the quartz piezoresistive and capacitative transducers in Gaitway treadmill has used to measure GRF. Ten running cycles for each subject during horizontal treadmill running at the conditioned running speed was collected for analyze and discuss. In this study, we found statistically significant difference of kinetic variables such as maximum force, contact time, first peak force, loading rate and impulse are existed between the different speeds and running performance, and we can conclude that kinetic analysis has the potential to be a valuable tool for individual diagnosis and for examining the effect of various interaction strategies.


Of all the ground reaction force (GRF) characteristics, the vertical component has received the greast attention from a research standpoint. Because of its magnitude, it dominates the resultant GRF. Characteristics such as maximum force, first peak force, loading rate, decay rate and impulse can be readily quantified and have a functional relationship to the running performance. What is the influence of running speed on the GRF? The purpose of this study was to compare the differences of kinetic variables between the speed ranges of 2.0m/s to 4.0m/s, and to insight into the interactions between running speed and kinetic variables, two force plates which have the quartz piezoresistive and capacitative transducers in Gaitway treadmill has used to measure GRF. Ten running cycles for each subject during horizontal treadmill running at the conditioned running speed was collected for analyze and discuss. In this study, we found statistically significant difference of kinetic variables such as maximum force, contact time, first peak force, loading rate and impulse are existed between the different speeds and running performance, and we can conclude that kinetic analysis has the potential to be a valuable tool for individual diagnosis and for examining the effect of various interaction strategies.


contact time loading rate maximum force running cycle impulse
