  • 期刊


Leadership Style, Job Involvement, and Intent to Stay: Evidence from Hospitality Interns in Taiwan




The purpose of this study was to investigate the leadership style of managers and how it affects the intern's intention to stay in the hospitality industry. Using structural equation modeling to resolve the relationships between leadership style, job involvement, burnout, job performance, and intention to stay for hospitality interns. A structured questionnaire was designed to collect the empirical data for the study by purposive sampling. A total of 395 useful samples were obtained, yielding an effective response rate of 92.94%. The empirical results reveal that transformational leadership has a positive direct effect on interns' job involvement, and, in turn, that it indirectly affects burnout, job performance, and intention to stay. The results of this study provide managerial implications from hospitality intern's view points and also suggestions that may be useful for further research.


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