  • 學位論文


A Study of Workplace Violence Prevention — International Comparison, Worker's Coping Behaviors and Policy Implementation Analysis

指導教授 : 鄭雅文


「職場暴力」(workplace violence)近年來成為新興的社會心理危害,各國政府及國際組織也越來越關注此議題,不只定期監測職場暴力數據,近年來也積極研擬預防指引,甚至制訂法律以降低職場暴力事件的發生率。在台灣,勞動部於 2010 年進行「工作環境安全衛生狀況認知調查」結果顯示,17,286名受僱者中,有1,480名(約 8.6%)過去一年曾遭受職場暴力,包括言語暴力、肢體暴力、心理暴力及性騷擾;最新修訂的《職業安全衛生法》亦有涵蓋職場暴力的預防,但是國內相關研究卻不多見,更缺乏預防相關的實務研究。 本研究之研究目的有三,包括職場暴力預防政策之國際比較、分析勞工遭遇職場暴力後的經驗與因應方式、以及針對《職業安全衛生法》之執行,探討主要利害關係人之觀點,以政策執行模式初步分析台灣職場暴力預防政策。本研究以文獻分析、深度訪談、半結構問卷及焦點團體訪談等多種方法,從法規政策比較、國內處理經驗和政策執行分析三方面,探討台灣在職場暴力預防實務面臨的挑戰。 研究結果顯示,大部份歐美國家沒有職場暴力預防的詳細規範,卻會由政府提供資源或結合工會力量,同時協助勞工和雇主處理職場暴力問題;目前台灣勞工處理職場暴力問題時,大部份選擇忍耐,較少積極反映處理,可能與組織環境及主管不支持有關,此情況不利於職場暴力問題被看見和處理;此外,即將正式施行的《職業安全衛生法》新增條文,也由於資源缺乏、各單位溝通不良、組織及社會環境不支持等因素,可能造成執行困難。 本研究建議政府應對職場暴力預防的目標作清楚釐定,加強各單位的執行共識,以跨部門合作方式營造組織支持性環境,提高勞工積極因應的意願,並發展整合式的職場暴力預防政策,加強觀念宣導與大眾認知,營造社會整體的反暴力文化。


Workplace violence has become a newly emerging psychosocial hazard, and it is also a growing concern in many countries and international organizations. These governments and organizations have continued monitoring case data periodically, working actively on developing prevention guidelines, and further establishing laws and regulations to prevent workplace violence. According to the a national survey conducted in 2010 in Taiwan, approximately 8.6% of employees were subjected to workplace violence in the past year, including verbal violence, physical violence, psychological violence and sexual harassment. In Taiwan, the “Occupational Safety and Health Act” has been revised to include preventative clause pertaining workplace violence. This shows that workplace violence issues have drawn increasing attention in Taiwan. However, few studies have investigated related issues, even less attention has been paid on the implementation on practical prevention of workplace violence. There are three objectives in this study. First, we review literature to understand the experiences of other countries on workplace violence prevention policies. Secondly, we conducted interviews to understand the experiences and coping behaviors of Taiwanese workers who had experienced workplace violence. Lastly, we collected opinions of the main stakeholders related to workplace violence prevention policies through focus group discussion. Our result shows that in most European countries there are few detailed regulations about workplace violence prevention, but governments provide resources and facilitate unions to help labors and some employers to deal with the problems. In Taiwan, however, most workers choose to remain silent instead of taking necessary actions. This may be associated with the unsupportive employers and organization environment, which cause a major barrier from resolving workplace violence. In addition, while the “Occupational Safety and Health Act” will be implemented soon, many factors such as lack of resources, poor communication, unsupportive organizations and social environment, may cause difficulties in implementation. We suggest the labor authority of Taiwan to define the goals of workplace violence prevention clearly, strengthen the consensus of all departments, create supportive environments through cross-sectorial cooperation, encourage workers to take positive actions, and develop integrated workplace violence prevention policies. With these efforts, we can enhance public awareness and create an anti-violence social culture.


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