  • 學位論文


Competitive Strategy of Projected Capacitive Touch Panel Manufacturers in Taiwan─A Study of Manufacturing Capabilities

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


回顧2007年,從美國消費性電子廠商Apple推出第一支搭載投射式電容觸控面板手機,iPhone風潮一時席捲全球,正式引領投射電容觸控面板需求的大幅成長。相較目前的電阻式觸控,電容式觸控面板由於透光性佳、精準定位、耐用度高,直覺的流暢觸感同時支援多點觸控技術,豐富使用者操作體驗,而深受如智慧型手機、平板電腦等高階電子產品的青睞。 本研究鎖定台灣投射式電容觸控面板廠商,以製造能力觀點探討廠商之競爭策略。為了以量化方法評估廠商所具備之競爭製造能力,本研究依分析層級程序法之研究流程,經製造能力相關文獻探討與產業專家學者深度訪談,建構出三層級之廠商製造競爭能力模型,包含五大製造競爭構面:成本面、品質面、交期面、彈性面、服務面,以及共計十六項之重點製造能力指標。 研究結果顯示成本面為廠商最重視之製造競爭構面,其次為品質面與服務面。能否提供具價格競爭性、可靠度高、功能表現優異的產品與高良率製程,為廠商最為重要的製造競爭力衡量指標。隨著產業製造服務日趨重要,廠商能提供完全解決方案與依客戶要求提供客製化產品,遂也成為提供差異化服務之重要競爭能力。本研究最後給予投射式電容觸控面板廠商,往(1)改善製程良率提升獲利空間、(2)高附加價值市場發展、(3)供應鏈垂直整合與(4)積極開發具潛力的新製程技術,做為廠商製造競爭的發展建議。


In 2007, the America consumer electronics manufacturer, Apple, released the first mobile phone equipped with projected capacitive (p-cap) touch panel. The fad of iPhone started over the world and led to promising demand of p-cap touch panel. Compared with the recent application of resistive touch, p-cap touch with better panel transparency, precise positioning, high durability and multi-touch technology enriches using experience. As a result, the high-end consumer electronic products such as smart phone and tablet PC are in favor of p-cap touch panel. In this research, we focus on p-cap touch panel manufacturers in Taiwan and discuss the competitive strategy based on manufacturing capabilities perspective among this industry. In addition, through the literature review and understanding interviews with industrial experts, we follow the flow of AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and construct a three-hierarchy model of manufacturing competitive capabilities, including objects of cost, quality, delivery, flexibility and service. Besides, there are total sixteen major criteria to evaluate manufacturing capabilities. AHP result indicates that the cost is regard as the top competitive object, and the followings are the quality and the service. For p-cap touch panel manufacturers, whether having the ability to provide products with competitive price, high reliability, excellent performance and high yield rate in manufacturing processing becomes crucial measurements in manufacturing capabilities among industry. Furthermore, while manufacturing services is becoming more important, manufactures who are able to offer total solution and meet customized requirements becomes key competitive competence in differentiating service. In conclusion, a sum-up competitive strategy of this research suggests manufacturers toward (1) improving yield rate in manufacturing processing, (2) exploiting new market of high value-added products, (3) forward integration, and (4) developing potential manufacturing processing.


3. 朱崇玄,台灣電容式觸控面板產業之策略分析,國立交通大學高階主管
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