  • 學位論文


A Study on the Policy and Regulation of Agricultural Insurance in Taiwan: Taking Swine Production and Rice Industry as Examples

指導教授 : 郭華仁
共同指導教授 : 吳榮杰 林勳發(Hsin-Fa Lin, Professor)


農業保險一般係指農業在生產收穫或運輸過程中遭受天然災害和意外事故所造成經濟財產損失而提供的保險,分為政策保險及商業保險兩大態樣,其中政策保險向為政府進行農業風險控管的一項重要措施。然我國在農業保險政策上迄今僅止於家畜保險,其他農業保險項目包括最重要的稻米保險等,均付之闕如。 邇來國內學術界進行農業保險相關研究漸多,細查該等研究除了簡介各國實施農業保險現況外,其議題多圍繞在我國倘若實施特定農業保險項目之可行性分析,包括經濟學與保險學之理論基礎、農業保險經營模式、保險費率精算、天然災害對於農業生產之損失及救助、政府財政負擔等等,其中又以稻米保險的相關論述為多;惟目前國內尚無針對政府現已辦理在案之農業保險項目進行深入實質評析。本論文即探究現行實施農業保險之政策與法規領域,並以提議研擬農作物天然災害保險法令為目標。 首先,進行全國各級農會保險業務人員之全面問卷調查,農會經辦人員對於豬隻死亡保險業務的政府施政滿意程度高達89.2%,顯示各級農會對於該項保險業務相當滿意。另外,實施豬隻死亡保險對於防範斃死豬非法流用,高達97.5%的受訪農會人員認為具有一定之成效。調查結果顯示,三級農會針對政府輔導辦理豬隻死亡保險之整體認同與滿意度甚高,顯示未來應持續推廣該項險種。 政府開辦豬隻死亡保險此項新的農業保險制度,對於因應市場機能若干限制,具有相當高之解決成效,顯示未來其他農業保險項目得比照採行三級農會寡占「產業政策」而捨去「競爭政策」之可行性甚高。 然政府施政過程一旦稍有疏忽,即容易引發危機,故於危機管理過程,須事先瞭解危機影響的對象及擬定危機管理原則。針對「斃死豬流用引發豬肉衛生安全危機事件」,政府成功採行「豬隻保險政策」之源頭控管重大成效,可作為相關危機管理之參考模式。 再透過相關法理及司法救濟途徑之評析,檢視我國現行農業保險之民事訴訟審理範疇,期待在農業保險的專法制定下,能強化行政訴訟之救濟途徑,大幅提升投保農民之權利保障。本研究除進一步闡述我國現行「農業發展條例」及「保險法」之相關法律條文不足之處,並參照100年修正發布之「家畜保險辦法」,期使我國早日規劃制定「農業保險法」;該法規除須考量公私法區分之法理見解外,更應明定農民遭受行政處分之受理訴訟機關為行政法院。 此外,公糧貯藏及釋出政策向為政府稻米產業調控之最重要機制。經試驗結果顯示,公糧貯藏一旦超過3年,稻穀容重量及飽滿穀粒數量均明顯降低,且根據多項品質老化指標,稻米貯藏達3年以上時亦已喪失播種價值;但因整個5年貯藏期間之稻米品質成分變化不大,且新舊米與玉米之多種必需胺基酸組成及含量皆大致相似,因此建議貯藏3年以上舊米可轉而適合供作飼料或其他加工用途。 進一步評估以貯藏3年舊糙米作為白肉雞飼糧之生長性能及腸道菌相表現。選用舊糙米作為供試材料並分析其穀粒品質,包括物理特性及營養成分分析,來評估在白肉雞飼糧上之適用性。經研究發現舊糙米可以替代飼糧中之100%黃玉米成分,且未影響白肉雞之生長表現,因此應用於肉雞飼糧可作為貯藏米用途之一種替代選擇。 綜之,我國若要全面實施農業保險,採行政策保險較為可行,除了考量政府財政負擔外,政策方向尤應清楚明確,法規制度亦須配套完善,才能論及實施後所涉及的險種、費率、投保理賠、覆蓋範圍等諸多研究領域問題。並兼論在全球氣候變遷及糧食安全之現況下,以第一大農作物-水稻為例,一旦政府實施水稻天然災害保險且仍需進行龐大公糧收購時,本研究適時提供了公糧貯藏品質及其舊米作為畜牧飼糧應用之科學實證,佐以啟動臺灣全面實施農業保險之新契機。


Agricultural insurance normally means the insurance coverage against the economical perils arising from the natural disaster or fortuity accident during agricultural harvest or transportation process and can be divided into two types, namely policy insurance and commercial insurance. The former is used to be a major countermeasure of government against agricultural risk in Taiwan. However the livestock insurance is the one and the only one policy insurance to date and no other agricultural insurance, such as the most desirable rice insurance, is available on the market. Recently there are more academic studies on agricultural insurance. In addition to debrief the status on the agricultural insurance of other states, those studies are centered on the feasibility study on specific item of agricultural insurance, including without limitation the fundamental theory of economy and the insurance, commercial model of agricultural insurance, actuary on premium rates, detriment and aid arising from the natural disaster on the agricultural production, the government financial burden etc. it is noteworthy that more papers are addressed on the rice insurance. Given there is no study on the agricultural insurance currently undertaken by central government, this study explores and analyzes the policies and regulations on the current agricultural insurance, and aims to propose the regulations on crop insurance of natural disaster. First, a national wide questionnaire on insurance salesmen of Farmers’ Associations of all levels was conducted and the statistic outcome shows that the government satisfaction degree of case managers of Farmers’ Association on the pig plague insurance is 89.2%, which indicates Farmers’ Associations of all levels did satisfy such coverage. In addition, 97.5% respondents of Farmers’ Associations positively believe such insurance will avoid or reduce the risk of the illegal transaction of the perished hog. It also shows that Farmers’ Associations of three levels did recognize and satisfy the pig plague insurance that ought to be persistently promoted in the future. The pig plague insurance, undertaken by central government, is a new agricultural insurance that can resolve and adapt to the limitation of the marketplace. This finding reasonably demonstrates that the other agricultural insurances to be carried out via the oligopoly policy of three levels Farmers’ Associations could be more feasible than the competition policy in the future. Nevertheless the management risk may be triggered due to the negligence of government and the top priority of risk management is to identify all possible parties suffering the detriments and determine the mitigation principles of risk management in the first place. As far as the food safety scares arising from the illegal transaction of plagued pigs is concerned, the pig plague insurance undertaken by the central government did a great job to stop the illegal transaction of plagued pigs from the very beginning and set a good example for future risk management. Additionally, this study reviewed the final decisions of the civil action in connection with the existing agricultural insurance and summarized the legal theory used for recovery and possible relief so as to increase the relief opportunity via administrative lawsuit and to enhance the right protection of the insured farmers. Aiming at promulgating agricultural insurance act in an early date, this study further identifies the shortcoming of current Agricultural Development Act and Insurance Act, and refers to Regulations on Livestock Insurance amended in 2011. In addition to the determination on public or private laws, this study strongly recommends that the administrative court to be expressly defined having the jurisdiction to review the complaint of farmers suffered from the inadequate or illegal Administrative Disposition. Further, the storage and release of public stock paddies is always the most important control instruments of central government over the production of rice industry. The experimental results show that when the storage period is more than three years both of the volume weight and the quantities of perfect public stock paddies significantly decrease. Quality decaying indices of public stock paddies also reveal the fact that the grains stored more than three years will lose their planting value. However given the quality variation of the stored rice within the five years period is not statistically significant and the required composition and content of essential amino acid between the new rice, the aged rice and the corn meant to be roughly equal, therefore this study recommends that the public grains stored more than three years may be released as feeding rice or other treatment process. Furthermore, the purpose of this study evaluated the growth performance and intestinal microflora population of broilers fed diets with aged brown rice (ABR) that had 3 years of stored. The ABR was the material chosen to analyze the grain quality, which included the physical properties as well as nutrient analysis to evaluate its applicability in broiler’s diet. This study found that ABR may replace 100% of yellow corn and did not influence on growth performance of broilers; hence providing an alternative opportunity for the use of stored rice in broiler diets. In sum, if the government intends to implement the agricultural insurance in whole, the policy insurance will be highly recommended. In addition to the consideration of government financial burden, it also requires a clear policy with legislation support before the following problem on type of insurance, premium rates, indemnification, and coverage scope to be expected. Under the constraint of global climate change and food safety concern and taking the rice that is our staple crop as example, in the event the government implemented the rice insurance of natural disaster but remain needed to procure a great deal of public grains, this study provide an experimental evidence on the quality of the stored grains and the feasible application to feed livestock by aged brown rice evidencing the timing to implement the agricultural insurance is forthcoming.


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