  • 學位論文


The Study on the Image of Disability in Taiwan: A Content Analysis with newspaper during 2007-2015

指導教授 : 古允文


本研究目的有二:一、運用內容分析法,有系統地對三種報紙進行分析,以描繪出不同媒體如何建構身心障礙者的形象。二、從歷史脈絡觀點,理解不同報紙建構身心障礙者形象之差異。研究方法是運用內容分析法,分析2007年至2015年中國時報、自由時報與聯合報,三大報紙,總計抽樣1108則新聞。抽樣方法是依年度與報導則數進行分層抽樣後,再使用系統隨機抽樣。建構類目共有17個項目分別是:樣本編號、編碼者、年份、消息來源、障礙類型、備註、障礙歸因、歧視事件、障礙形象、圖文類目、圖片類目、版面、位置、呈現性質、新聞篇幅、歧視用語、重要程度。希望回答三個問題:誰在說話?說什麼?怎麼說? 研究發現身心障礙者的形象在不同的報紙報導的形象沒有差異,皆是正面形象>負面形象>倡議形象>慈善形象,但不同障礙類型的身心障礙者形象建構是有差異的,可辨識類、混和類身障者形象皆是正面形象>負面形象>倡議形象>慈善形象,不可辨識類身障者形象是正面形象>倡議形象>負面形象>慈善形象,心智功能類身障者形象為負面形象>正面形象>慈善形象>倡議形象。不同年代出現的身障者形象是有差異的,表示身心障礙者的形象是一個動態的建構過程,不斷的變化。


內容分析 形象 身心障礙者 報紙


The Study on the Image of Disability in Taiwan: A Content Analysis with Newspapers during 2007-2015 Abstract There are two purposes in this study: first, using the method of content analysis, systematically describe the image of disability constructed by three major newspapers in Taiwan. Second, it would explore the historical differences of the image on disability in different newspapers. Content analysis is the research methods applied to analyze three major newspapers, namely China Times, United Daily News and Liberty Times, during 2007-2015. A total of 1108 news are included into analysis. Sampling is carried out according to the annual reports and the number of news after the stratified sampling by random. Construction of category a total of 17 items include: sample number, coders, year, source, disability type, remark, disability model, discrimination, disability image, photo, photo with the image of wheelchair, layout, properties, space, position, discriminative word, and importance. Hope to answer three questions: Who say? What to say? How to say? According to the study, there is no difference in the image of the disability in different newspapers. Three newspapers most report positive image, comparing to secondly negative image, thirdly advocate image and least charitable image. There is different image in different types of disablilty. The observable and mix type of disability are most reported positive image than secondly negative image, thirdly advocate image and least charitable image. The unobservable types of disability are most reported positive image than secondly advocate image, thirdly negative image and least charitable image. The mental types of disability are most reported negative image than secondly positive image, thirdly charitable image and least advocate image. According to the study, there is different image of disability in different period. It shows that the image of disability is always changing in a dynamic process. Keywords: content analysis, image, disability, newspaper


content analysis image disability newspaper


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