  • 學位論文


A Microphone in One Hand and A Baby in The Other: The Struggle and Breakthrough of A Journalist As A Mother

指導教授 : 洪貞玲
共同指導教授 : 何榮幸


臺灣第一家衛星電視台TVBS在1993年開播,開啟台灣新聞產業24小時激烈競爭的時代。在新聞產製的過程中,新聞記者也被塑造出新聞工作就是以新聞產品優先的認知,認同求新求快的概念;新聞工作的勞動條件變得不重要。新聞記者的勞動過程,就是不斷壓縮工作者本身的時間與空間,來交換對新聞的掌控。在時間的結構限制下,同時身為記者與母親的女性,必定在投入新聞工作和照顧孩子之間掙扎拉扯;而社會對記者與母親兩種角色的期待,也讓身兼此二職的女性面臨兩面不討好的窘境。   本報導基於對性別平等的關懷,藉由對十四位在七年內有妊娠經驗的女性新聞工作者的深度訪談,描繪從事電視新聞工作的母親們在工作與家庭中的生活圖像,突顯出她們在新聞產業環境中面對的結構性限制,分析她們遭遇的角色衝突困境與因應之道,最後檢討《性別工作平等法》在電視新聞媒體實施的現況。希望藉由本報導將女性新聞工作者的主體經驗發揚出來,透過覺察和省思,將角色間的轉換化為增權賦能的助力,並對無冕王母親的生存策略以及建構性別平權的媒體工作生態與社會環境提出建議。


That TVBS, the first satellite television station in Taiwan, began broadcasting in 1993 opens a 24- hour highly competitive era in Taiwan's TV news industry. In the process of news production, reporters are persuaded to agree with that nothing has higher priority than news, and their job discipline is to pursue the newest information and be the first one to get it; the working conditions of the press are of little importance. A journalist's working process was to unceasingly squeeze his own time and space in exchange for the control of news. Under time constraint, a female as the roles of both a journalist and a mother can hardly avoid struggling between her news work and child care; Society's two different role anticipations on a female also put her in a demanding predicament where she will be easily blamed from both sides of her company and home. With the concern over gender equality, this in-depth reporting interviews 14 female journalists who had pregnancy experiences within 7 years, depicts their working and family life patterns, emphasize the structural restrictions of the TV news industry facing them, analyze their role conflicts and coping strategies, and last but not least, examine women's situation in TV media ever since the Gender Equality in Employment Act was put into practice in Taiwan 10 years ago. The goals of this report are to publicize the experiences of female journalists, to transform their learned role transitions into assistance to empowerment through perception and introspection, and to offer suggestions about the survival strategies for female journalists as mothers as well as about the constructing a media working environment and a society with equal gender rights.


