  • 學位論文


A Study of the Tourism Climate Index of Xitou Nature Education Area

指導教授 : 邱祈榮


氣候為影響戶外休憩活動的重要因子之一,氣候的舒適與否亦可能對於遊客量造成影響,本研究係以溪頭自然教育園區為例,藉由Mieczkowski(1985)所提出結合7種主要氣候因子的「旅遊氣候指數(TCI)」,於研究中嘗試將TCI進行2項微調,首先,為避免過愈高估濕度對於熱舒適度所造成的影響,利用「生理平衡溫度」取代「有效溫度」進行計算,其次則是以逐日資料計算溪頭地區於1990~2012年間的舒適度指數,並經比較以逐日資料計算可獲得更準確的TCI。 於1990~2012年間,平均TCI最高之月份為10月,最低則為1月,氣溫及雨量為主要影響溪頭地區TCI之氣候因子,於年與年間的比較可發現,冬季受熱舒適度影響較大,春季及夏季則受降雨指標的影響,秋季則受熱舒適度及降雨指標的影響。溪頭地區各季的TCI平均皆在50以上為可接受等級,顯示一年四季皆相當適合從事旅遊活動。秋季為一年中TCI最高的季節,顯著高於夏季、春季及冬季,於TCI的季節分布分類上屬於秋季舒適型。此外,於研究中對於氣候變化進行初步模擬,結果顯示,將均溫分別調升0.5℃、1℃、2℃後,各季之TCI值皆呈現上升的趨勢,於TCI的季節分布上皆屬於秋季舒適型。


Climate is one of the important factors influencing outdoor recreation activities. Climate comfort can also affect the amount of tourists. In this research, two adjustment were made to Mieczkowski’s “Tourism Climate Index” (TCI), which summarizes and combines seven climate variables. First, to prevent overestimate the effect of humidity, the thermal comfort is not measured by the “effective temperature,” but instead by the “Physiologically Equivalent Temperature” (PET). Second, daily data is used to evaluate the climate comfort of Xitou Nature education area from 1990-2012. The results show that calculating by daily data is more appropriate. From 1990 to 2012, the highest TCI’s monthly average is in October and the lowest is in January. The main climate variables affect the TCI value in Xitou are temperature and precipitation. In the comparison between years, winter has greater impact by thermal comfort index, spring and summer are influenced by precipitation index, and autumn is affected by both thermal comfort and precipitation index. In conclusion, the TCI average of each season are above 50(means Acceptable)show that Xitou is quite suitable for tourism activities all year around. TCI values in autumn are significantly higher than in summer, spring and winter. The comfort type of seasonal distribute of Xitou is “autumn peak.” In addition, a preliminary simulation of climate change were made in this study, the average temperature were escalated 0.5℃, 1℃ and 2℃. The results show that in each season, TCI values are on an upward trend, and the comfort type of seasonal distribute are “autumn peak.”


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