  • 學位論文


Value Integration and Growth Strategy of Taiwanese IC Distributors

指導教授 : 湯明哲


IC通路商的核心價值,是為了創造競爭優勢,成為科技產業的價值提供者。只有具備價值整合與創造的能力,IC通路商才能在廣泛的科技產業價值網中扮演更關鍵的角色。 因此,IC通路商在經營過程中必須不斷思考,能提供什麼價值給客戶,要如何提升「產品」、「服務」、「技術」的附加價值,並進一步傳遞給客戶。當一家IC通路商在積極運籌帷幄的同時,不僅要考慮到完善的銷售網及緊密的服務網,對於提升IC通路商核心價值的動作也不可少。 在所謂價值整合與創造,本研究認為衡量其效益的簡單方式即是看是否能有效的(即快速、即時、低成本、好品質)滿足價值網內上、中、下游各個角色的需求,並為其創造最大化的利潤。而台灣IC通路商則是藉由在產品技術、情報收集與交流、與財務融資等三個構面在整個電子產業價值網之中進行價值整合與價值創造。 在台灣數百家IC通路商中,近兩年來不斷的產生變化;或有財務不佳而倒閉者,或與其他通路商合併而更進一步擴大其規模者(如世平與品佳),或有調整其最適規模而更專精在某領域產品與服務之代理者(如富爾特與益登),亦或有轉型而成為原某類產品之製造商或研究開發廠商者(如禾伸堂)。 雖然規模越大而受不景氣衝擊的影響越不明顯,但「大者恆大」、一味追求規模經濟的策略未必對台灣IC通路商而言是好的。本研究認為IC通路商應該基於個別所擁有的企業核心資源與競爭力,以及其所代理產品線的類型,再加上領導者個人的意志與想法,來決定該採取哪種對企業最適的成長策略。 本研究將台灣IC通路商依「規模經濟」型、「利基產品」型兩種,分別做出最後簡單的建議,並作為往後繼續觀察與研究台灣IC通路產業的方向。 「規模經濟」型通路商: 一、 擴展海外營運據點及代理區域。 二、 到海外上市募資,並以購併、合併或策略聯盟的方式積極擴張規模。 三、 積極研擬與建立應收帳款管理系統與防制匯損之機制。 「利基產品」型通路商 1. 積極建立核心研發技術團隊(精而非大),開拓利基型的產品線與發展整合度高且具成本優勢的解決方案模組。 2. 積極尋求與上游原廠技術合作,共同開發關鍵性元件,以增加自身的核心競爭力。 3. 積極尋求與國外前幾大的IC通路商合作,利用這些世界級通路商之廣大健全的銷售網將其所開發出的利基型元件或整合模組推廣至全世界,擺脫只侷限在台灣市場的有限商機而妨礙其成長的空間。


The core value of IC Distributors is to create the competitive advantages to become the value provider in the technological industries. Only if with the abilities of value integration and creation will IC Distributors play a key role in the complex technological value net. Therefore, IC Distributors must continue thinking what kinds of values can be provided to customers, how to increase the add-on values to Product, Service and Technology, and thus pass them through to customers. While IC Distributors are aggressively working on the business plans, they must not only think of the complete sales and service networks, but also think more of how to increase the core value. As per this research, the simple way to measure the effectivness of value integration and creation is to check if each role inside the value net can be satisified effectively in terms of instand and punctual responses, lower costs, and good quality, and if the profitability of each role inside the value net can be maximized. The Taiwanese IC Distributors accomplish the value integration and value creation in the entire electronic industrial value net in three aspects: Product/Technology, Information Collecting/ Exchanging, and Inventory/Financing. In the past two years, lots of changes occurred to hundreds of Taiwanese IC Distributors: some of them bankrupted due to poor financial status; some of them merged another in order to enlarge the business scale; some of them adapted themselves to fit to the optimal optional scale and focus more on some specific product categories or services; some of them transformed themselves to become the developers or manufacturers of some specific products. Although it is said that those enterprices of bigger scale are influenced less by the bad economy, yet “The Bigger the better”, the strategy of pursuing the scale of economy, is not necessarily to be good for Taiwanese IC Distributors. As per this research, each IC distributor should form and adopt the optimal growth strategy by reviewing its unique resources and core competencies, the characteristics of the products which it deal with, and the business mindset and ideal of the company leader. This research divides Taiwanese IC Distributors into two types: “Scale of Economy” type, and “Niche Product” type, and delivers the following suggestions as the directions for the further observations and studies on Taiwanese IC Distribution Industry.


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謝宏昌(2008)。電子零組件通路商策略發展之研究 -以全科科技股份有限公司為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.10541
