  • 學位論文


Service Process Communication and Gaps for the Business Floral Gift of Phalaenopsis

指導教授 : 黃麗君


花卉產業為台灣重要的精緻農業之一,其中,蝴蝶蘭不論是在外銷或內需方面,都廣具盛名且銷售成績亮眼。商業贈禮便為消費者購買蝴蝶蘭的常見原因之一,然而研究者經過針對花店業者作深度訪談後,發現業者在銷售蝴蝶蘭企業花禮的服務流程中,存在著一些服務疏失問題。為協助業者深入瞭解蝴蝶蘭企業花禮與贈禮行為並改善服務疏失問題,本研究之研究目的如下:1.探討蝴蝶蘭企誒花禮的贈禮對象、場合及目的; 2.比較各種蝴蝶蘭企業花禮選購條件的重要程度; 3.探討花商於銷售蝴蝶蘭企業花禮時的整體服務流程,及在此流程的各階段中可能發生的所有服務疏失問題; 4.比較消費者於選購蝴蝶蘭企業花禮時所重視與實際遭遇的服務疏失問題。 本研究調查共計384份樣本,使用描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、相依樣本t檢定及重要性表現值分析法進行結果分析。研究結果顯示消費者贈送蝴蝶蘭企業的目的以維持與現有客戶之原有關係為主,且常見之送禮場合多為公開場合;消費者亦會在送禮後主動探詢贈禮效果,其贈禮方式主要為自行到贈禮現場檢視產品。此外消費者依購買方式主要可分為兩類:預算型消費者與產品型消費者。接著,消費者重視的選購條件如下:整體設計風格、附屬賀卡之文字內容、包裝美觀性、整體色系、花色以及包裝功能性。而花店業者所必須優先改善的服務疏失為:「花店人員未能依不同用途及場合設計符合需要的商品」及「花店交貨的產品,不與我當初在網頁、型錄或口頭說明時的樣貌相符」。


Phalaenopsis are traditional ornamental crops and play an important role for the agriculture economics in Taiwan. Being associated with the symbolism of wealth and status, Phalaenopsis are used as gifts between business partners for gaining good relationship in business. However, after having a profound interview with sellers from the flower shop, it is found that florists are facing severe consumer complaints for their flower design service. This study was addressed for this deficiency. Objectives for this study were: 1) Understanding the objectives, such as the purposes, location, and receiver, of Phalaenopsis’ gift-giving process. 2) Comparing the importance of each attribute of Phalaenopsis business gift. 3) Evaluating the process of Phalaenopsis’ gift giving process thoroughly and studying any possible service failures along each phase of the process. 4. Comparing consumers’ opinions on what they think are the appropriate treatments and what they have experienced from improper service when purchasing Phalaenopsis as business greeting gifts. The sample size is 380 and analyzed by descriptive statistic analysis, independent t test, pair t test and IPA analysis. The result shows that, in general, consumers are likely to purchase Phalaenopsis gift to maintain their relationship with their present business clients. And, most of the time, those consumers send out their gifts in public environment. Then, they will actively find out the effect of the gift. The way to know the effect of gift is mainly to examine the gift products on consumers’ own. Furthermore, there are two separate categories for the consumers to purchase: budget-considerate and product-considerate consumers Afterwards, the important conditions for the consumers to buy are: the design of the products, the content on the gift cards, the style of the exterior, the overall color of the gift set and the Phalaenopsis, and the efficiency of the package. Most importantly, those flower suppliers and sellers should first implement and upgrade their service failures, such as: florist can not design the gift according to different uses and applications and fail to meet the needs of merchandise; The product doesn’t meet the website, catalog , or clerk's description.


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