  • 學位論文


Why Do I have to Wear Long Hair: Body Experience and Gender Identity of HBL Elite Female Basketball Players in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李明璁




In recent years, some teams of High School Basketball league put a ban on wearing short hair. Players are forbidden to cut their hair short, they have to wear ponytails. This study starts from this regulation and analyzes according to three levels: personal, institutional and sociological. This study tries to answer the following questions: how the body disciplines, norms, body experiences inscribe on these players? How they respond? What are the untold behind those disciplines? The research methods are in-depth interview, content analysis and participant observation. “Lived body” and “gender performativity” are the key concepts of discussing body experience and gender identity. This study discovers that the binary concept of gender expression indeed influence the players. However, the subtle practices in everyday life find the way to show the agency and resistance. Athlete Identity empowers the players to desexualize sport itself to maneuver gender. In addition, they perform different gender expressions in different situations, sometimes obeying, sometimes mocking, and also trying to turn the binary concept upside down. The female masculinity these players preform is a mixture of masculinity and femininity. Besides, the existence of female masculinity symbolizes the challenge and provocation of the binary gender concept.


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陳美華(1994)從性別角色觀點看女性運動參與。中華體育季刊 8(1):17-23。
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