  • 學位論文


A Study on Agricultural Visit to Taiwan of Chinese Agricultural Professionals

指導教授 : 吳榮杰


自1987年台灣開放民眾赴中國大陸探親,兩岸關係開始進入民間交流的時期,台灣農會亦隨著兩岸交流的蓬勃發展而與中國大陸展開前所未有的交流與互動。台灣省農會於2000年3月5日正式成立國際部,是全國農會中最早設立並推行國際合作與交流事務部門者。瞭解中國農業專業人士來台參訪之需求以及如何改善服務品質,以利台灣省農會帶領全國農會發揮自身優勢,拓展農業旅遊業務,並促進兩岸農業交流即相當重要。 本研究針對中國農業專業人士、導遊、旅行社業者、農會人士進行問卷調查,以不同角度觀察中國農業專業人士來台參訪之現況,了解其參訪之需求,並提出改善其來台參訪業務服務品質之建議。 歸納台灣省農會國際部擴大業務的原因包括:該行業前景具吸引力且前景看好、為跟隨國際潮流商機、以及為在低利的產業環境中提升營收;此外亦考量台灣省農會兼具農會龍頭角色之使命感,期能發揮引領的力量,啟動各農會推動農業旅遊業務之思考。研究亦發現辦理中國農業專業人士入台受限頗多,例如身份審查嚴格、申請耗時,邀請單位受限團進團出規定,年引進人數有限等。 本研究提出改善中國農業專業人士來台參訪業務服務品質之建議如下: 一、 直航班機增班增點且配合旅行社採合理團費 二、 建議江陳會中商討『大陸團組毋需經由特許經營出境旅遊業務的旅行社來台』或『增加大陸地區承接赴台旅遊組團社之家數』之可能性 三、 研議可解除觀光局2008.1.1起「除非是藝文活動、禁排自費行程」之相關配套措施,以回歸正常市場機制 四、 以永續之觀念經營觀光 五、 放寬邀請單位之資格 六、 簡化專業人士之入台申請手續、比照旅行社及績優出口廠商,建立邀請單位管理制度 藉由本項業務之推動,期能促使台灣農民收入增加、農村經濟活絡、農會共識凝聚,並促進中國大陸農業發展,共創多贏局面。


The cross-strait relation has entered a period of non-governmental exchanges since citizens of Taiwan were allowed visit relatives in Mainland China in 1987. Under the booming interactions across the Taiwan Strait, the Farmers’ Association (FA) started its unprecedented communication and interaction with China. On March 5, 2000, the Taiwan Provincial Farmers’ Association (TPFA) established formally its International Division (ID), the first official-established sector in the country, to implement international cooperation and affair exchanges. It is important for TPFA to know what the agricultural professionals of China need when they visit Taiwan and how to improve the quality of service that we provide. TPFA needs to help the FAs around Taiwan to develop their own strengths, expand the opportunities for agricultural tourism and facilitate the agricultural interactions across the strait. In the study, Chinese-agricultural experts, tour guides, travel agents and personages of FA were surveyed from different angles to observe the current Chinese agricultural professionals’ visiting situation, understand and further analyze their visiting needs and propose improvements elaborated from suggestions about service quality during their visiting. We summarized three reasons suggesting why the International Division of TPFA should expend its business. Namely, it is a prospective and attractive industry offering chances of following the international business trend and enhancing revenues in the low-interest business environment. In addition, considering the leading role and sense of mission TPFA bears, it is expected that TPFA will exalt its leading power to help Fas around Taiwan to think actively about the promotion of agricultural tourism. It is also found that there are still many restrictions, such as strict identify verification, time-consuming application process and the group-in and group-out policy needed to be followed by inviting organization, limiting the numbers of visitors each year. The following recommendations are proposed to improve the service quality for Chinese-agricultural experts’ visiting to Taiwan : 1. More direct-flight stops and fights should be added to cooperate with travel agents for reasonable group-travelling fee. 2. It is suggested, during Jiang Chen Meeting, to discuss the possibilities of “cancelling the policy that Chinese tourists’ visiting of Taiwan should be managed exclusively by outbound-franchised traveling agents, and “increasing the numbers of Taiwan-visiting travel agents in China”. 3. Cancel Bureau of Tourism’s principle of “banning self-expensed trip, except for artistic and cultural activities” and its relevant policies to return to normal market mechanisms. 4. Run the tourism business based on the concept of everlasting management. 5. Loosen the qualification for the selecting of inviting organizations. 6. According to travel agents and blue-chip experts, simplify the procedure of professionals’ visiting application and establish management system for inviting organizations. Through the business promotion, it is expected that via the increasing of farmers’ income, the vibrating of rural economy and the achieving of consensuses among farmers’ associations and the facilitation of agricultural development in China, a win-win situation will be created for every one.


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