  • 學位論文


Study on the Influence Factors of Construction Quality Audit for School Construction Projects in the New Taipei City

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


公共工程施工品質管理制度從開始實施至今經歷廿年餘來,各地方政府成立品質查核中心並長期累積的查核結果資料,從資料庫顯示非工程專業的主辦機關如學校單位之工程查核分數相對偏低,如何由此工程查核資料庫發掘其中可能影響學校工程品質的因子,事先提醒學校營繕總務人員,進而提升公共工程品質,實為學校工程管理人員的重要課題。 本研究主要透過工程品質查核分數來探討工程品質的良窳,主要是工程品質查核分數是由查核小組委員根據工程品管制度、施工品質及工程進度的查核結果評分,可全面性的代表工程品質現況。另就三級品管的制度,學校工程承包商須建立「施工品質管制系統」、工程主辦機關(含監造單位)成立「施工品質保證系統」及主管機關之「工程施工品質稽核制度」三個層次。惟實施多年,常有發現監造單位及承包商沒有確實落實各級品管要項,也有承包商之工程從業人員對於品管技能之進修不足及監造單位辦理品保未具強制性等諸多缺失。可見監造單位及承包商本身的能力及對品管的重視度實是影響工程品質的可能因子。所以本研究除了探討工程本身的工程種類、工程金額、發包的標比值及變更設計情形之外,也希望了解承包商和監造單位與工程品質查核分數之關聯性。 本研究收集近十年新北市公立國民小學營繕工程96個案例、70家營造廠及42家設計及監造單位進行統計分析,並運用統計軟體 SPSS 進行相關檢定工作後,發現影響工程查核分數的因子中,變更設計、採購金額級距、及標比值等三個有顯著影響;另工程類型、營造業級別、廠商承攬案件量、及監造單位承攬案件量等四個因子對工程查核分數無顯著影響。本研究再根據三個有顯著影響因子之分類統計其平均找出影響學校工程品質查核分數之趨勢及可能原因,進而提供學校事先預防及加強管理等因應措施,達到提升工程品質之目的。


In order to improve quality of the public construction project, Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan, promulgated the “ Public Construction Quality Management Standard” . According to this standard, the New Taipei City have to establish construction project quality audit group, for auditing all responsible public projects. The score of construction project quality auditing is evaluated by the quality management system, project schedule, and construction quality. In the other hand, the schools of New Taipei City, the non-engineering professional entities, typically considered as the authorities with the shortage of manpower, budget, and professional knowledge, conducting the procurement mostly; therefore, the construction quality is questionable. The objective of this research, it is a significant text to establish efficient and effective strategies for non-engineering professional entities to improve the quality of school construction projects as well as obtain the quality management performance of the contractor and supervision consultant through analyzing the quality auditing score. In this research, the project data of 96 construction projects of Primary School are collected, as well as 70 construction contractors and 42 design and supervision consultants for statistical analysis, and used statistical software SPSS for calculating the hypothesis testing. From the results, the change order, the procurement size, and the award/budget ratio have significant influence to the quality auditing score. On the other hand, the four factors of the construction type, the number of project contracted by the contractor, and the amount of projects contracted by the supervisory consultant have no significant influence to the quality auditing score. Based on the narrative statistics, this study identifies the causes and possible methods that may affect the quality of the school project, and then provides to school staffs for strengthening prevention and help them to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of the project.


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