  • 學位論文


A Study of Reflexive Modern on the Transformation of Organic Agriculture in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蕭崑杉


有機農業,原是一類對受科學主義、資本主義典範影響之慣行農業的反省與實踐;在當代食農研究的討論中,為區分環境主義與資本主義對該產業理念上的競奪,故逐漸浮現出「草根有機」、「慣行有機」與「後有機運動」等多元類型的討論。本研究以反身現代理論為基礎,透過質性研究的方法取徑與資料分析,探討臺灣有機農業的發展現況並提出理論性的詮釋。 在分析上,本研究分成兩個部分:首先,以歷年平面媒體對有機農業的報導為文本,分析不同發展階段臺灣有機農業的媒體再現,及所呈現之風險、信任機制等反身現代特徵;再者,以慈心有機農業發展基金會作為個案研究的追蹤對象,探討臺灣有機農業推廣實務在面對外在結構變化下的因應策略,並透過行動者網絡理論與交引纏繞概念的理論觀點,理解由慈心有機農業發展基金會所推動之「綠色保育計畫」,如何同時兼顧經濟發展與生態保育,作為以反身現代理論詮釋臺灣有機農業發展的補充。 整體而言,臺灣有機農業以家庭農戶的小農為主要經營主體,且在發展上受制度法規與驗證制度的影響甚鉅。本研究認為,應視有機農業為一由各式行動者共同構成的異質性網絡,以理解不同行動者對外在結構回應上的差異,及所產生主流與另類有機農業發展途徑的分野。最後,本研究建議為了實踐有機農業關於永續發展的願景,臺灣農政部門應正視不同型態友善環境耕作行為的發展,並透過相關促進性質法規的立法,保障非資本密集小農的生存空間。


Organic agriculture had been considered a reflexive farming practice as the opposite of conventional agriculture under the influence of scientism and capitalism in the early stage. But following the passage in contemporary development of organic agriculture and the contestation between environmentalism and capitalism, several different discursive forms referring to this kind of agriculture system have also emerged: such as “grassroots organic”, “conventional organic” and “post-organic movement” in recent agro-food studies. The present research building on the theory of Reflexive Modernization aims to take the qualitative approach to explore the current state of organic agriculture in Taiwan The analysis is divided into two parts. The first part dwells upon the presence of media representations of organic agriculture in Taiwan based on newspaper reports and related documents, with which the features of reflexive modernity on organic agriculture in each stage of the development are discussed, such as risk and institutions of trust. Subsequently, the case study of Tse-Xin Organic Agriculture Foundation (TOAF) is given to elaborate on the practical experiences in extension of organic agriculture in Taiwan, namely how the enrolled actors respond to the changing structure. To do so, this study addresses how one of the projects initiated by TOAF—the “Green Habitat Conservation”—may achieve the balance between ecological conservation and economic growth through Actor-Network Theory and the concept of Entanglement to illuminate the theory of Reflexive Modernization underpinning the domestic development of organic agriculture. Generally speaking, as organic agriculture is seen as a reflexive practice for sustainable development, the practice in Taiwan is still operated mainly by small family farms under the impact of the related legislation and certification system. And by understanding organic agriculture as a heterogeneous network constructed by both human and non-human actors, the discussion gets to capture how the enrolled actors may respond to the changing structure differently, from which sprouts mainstream and alternative development paths of organic agriculture in Taiwan. Finally, this study suggests both mainstream as well as alternative organic practices be served equally in the policy realm, and the latter which tend to adopt environment-friendly farming without the certification be ensured capacity to develop.


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