  • 學位論文


A Study on Map Skills of Junior High School Students Based on The Basic Competence Test

指導教授 : 賴進貴


地圖是地理的重要語言。讀圖與用圖能力的培養,是九年一貫社會領域課程的重要內容。國中階段為培養這些地圖能力的重要時期,因學生符號與抽象運思能力在此年齡開始完備。本研究以實施多年的國中基本學力測驗社會考科為研究素材,向基測中心申購近5年來每年5000筆的原始答題、性別與考區等資料。針對這些樣本資料,整理地圖相關試題的比重,並將這些地圖題依據能力指標進行分類及統計分析,藉此探究不同性別及考區的考生地圖能力表現。 本研究藉由專家審查、統計分析、深入訪談等方法探討基測考生的地圖能力。研究結果顯示,地圖試題在基測中佔有重要比例,其中有關定位能力的試題比重超過50%。就基測考試的評量效果而言,地圖試題的通過率及鑑別率都高於非地圖試題。就性別差異而言,5年考試的綜合結果顯示前幾年男生的定位與量測能力優於女生,然而民國98、99年間這種差異已沒有顯著。在不同考區的比較上,學生在地圖題的表現上有顯著差異,以北北基考區的學生表現最好,但區域內男女學生差異不大。本研究也發現各個面向的地圖技能互相影響,彼此相關性高。整體而言,學生表現最差的試題都與空間概念有關,顯示學生比較缺乏將文字敘述轉換為圖像的能力,未來教師應可增加這部份教學的比重。


Map is an important language of geography. The developing of map reading and map using skills is essential to K-12 curriculum. In particular, the education of map skills in junior high school level is crucial since students' capability for symbolic and abstract thinking is getting completed at this age. This study uses the material of the Basic Competence Test for analysis. Five thousand sample answer sheets are randomly drawn for the years 2006-2010. The research methods of this study include experts review, statistical analysis, and in-depth interviews and so on to explore the map ability of junior high school students. The results of the analysis show that questions relevant to map skills compose a major part of the exam questions. In particular, questions regarding locational ability take up more than 50% of the all map related questions. Both the passing rate and the differentiation rate of map questions are higher than non-map questions. Regarding gender difference, based on the overall data of 5 years, male students perform better than female students in the dimensions of locational and measurement skill. However, such difference is becoming less significant in the last two years. When comparing the performance differences across the 6 test districts, students in Taipei and Keelung area perform the best, and the gender difference within this region is not significant. This research also finds that different dimensions of map skills are closely interrelated. Overall speaking, students perform the poorest in questions related to spatial thinking. This result indicates that students may lack the ability to convert text description into spatial imagination. Teachers should put more efforts on enhancing students’ ability in this dimension in their instruction.


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