  • 學位論文


Policy Discourse Analysis of Nuclear Waste Policy in Taiwan: from 2011 to 2016

指導教授 : 林子倫


自1978年8月,蘭嶼鄉龍門地區作為低階核廢料貯存場開始動工興建以來,核廢料議題正式進入我國的政策領域,而其後隨著蘭嶼驅逐惡靈的抗議活動進行、《低放射性廢棄物最終處置設施場址設置條例》公布以及2011年日本福島核災的發生,更使得核廢料的討論進入了白熱化的階段。然而我國權責機關在2008、2011、2012年選址過程中,遭遇民間強烈的反對,致使至今不但在低階核廢料最終處置的選址上空轉,蘭嶼核廢料暫存的問題也遲遲沒有解決,使得核能與核廢料政策處理成為我國在邁入21世紀後的嚴重困境之一。 而由於核廢料議題牽扯了相當複雜的價值因素與多元行為者,為釐清其中存在的連結關係,故使用最近逐漸在公共政策領域興起的論述分析作為主要的研究方法。透過2011年日本福島核災後我國主要報紙的新聞資料,從中檢驗論述的內容與包含的價值。 本研究的主要研究發現分述如下:其一,依敘述結構與核心價值可以分為科技、正義、利益與風險、民主、反核等五項主要的敘事大綱;其二,在總體意象上,除了中央權責機關經濟部與台灣電力公司之外,幾乎所有的論述資料都對核廢料處理抱持著悲觀的態度;其三,在議題上主要著重於技術性、制度性以及選址的討論;其四,透過與過去的文獻對話,發現我國的核廢料處理論述中存在與其他研究相異的現象;論述理性上,有比鄰避情結還要複雜的論述價值存在;而且在風險評估中,採取的觀點較傾向於實證主義而非心理層面的判斷;另外論述上存在著選址悖論,並且不認同現行的公投機制足以實現公民審議的精神,最後,本研究針對我國目前的制度性、價值性缺失提出了四項建議,希冀有助於未來核廢料處理的相關政策進程。


In August 1978, Lang Yu was appointed as the disposal site of the low level nuclear waste, and soon it began construction. Ever since then, the siting issues has become one of the most controversial issues in Taiwan. The “Expelling the Evil” demonstration organized by the locals, the passing of a relevant law, and the Fukushima catastrophe in 2011 had also led to tense debates. The government is faced with strong opposition from the general public when choosing the final disposal site in 2008, 2011, and 2012. Now, the problem of the nuclear waste in Lang Yu is still not being settled, and it has become one of the biggest problems for the government. Because the problem of the waste disposal was involved with various interests and multiple actors, and in order to clarify the relation between them, this study takes the discourse analysis approach, based on Taiwanese news reports, after the Fukushima catastrophe in 2011. This study has the following major findings:1. The storylines can be divided into Technology, Justice, Interests and Risks, Democratic procedures, and Anti-nulcear claims. 2. Except for Ministry of Economic Affairs and Taiwan Power Company, almost all the actors are pessimistic about the siting of nuclear waste disposal. 3. The major controversies of the discussion are about technology, nstitution and the siting isuue 4. The NIMBY syndrome cannot seem to explain everything. 5.Regarding risk assessment, cognitive response get the better of emotional judgement. 6. Paradoxes and distrust exist in siting and in the justice of referendum. Finally, this study has come up with four suggestions that may be helpful for the resolution about nuclear waste controversies in Taiwan.


