  • 學位論文

價值網與綜效鏈: 智慧型手機產業之策略分析研究

Value Net and Synergy Chain: Strategy Analysis for Smart Phone Industry

指導教授 : 湯明哲 陳忠仁


智慧型手機引領資訊產業的變革,進入後PC 時代。而觀察智慧型手機之所以崛起,已不單純是技術的競爭,而是透過形成新型態的產業結構,來整合各項不同的互補產業,而提供給消費者更高的價值。消費者買到智慧型手機,所享受到的,已不單純是手機產品的價值,而是包含作業系統商、APP Market 廠商、APP軟體供應商、雲端服務商所提供的服務,並享有電信營運商的手機補貼,與廣告主支付雲端服務費用。 因此,在本論文中,針對這種新型態的產業結構加以論述。並依其特性定名為「綜效鏈」(Synergy Chain) 。綜效鏈起源於 價值網(Value Net) 分析中的「互補者」: 當兩企業之間互為互補者時,則會使兩企業的能力出現「一加一大於二」的綜效,稱為「綜效連結」(Synergy Link)。而當有產業有數個綜效連結彼此串連時,將可形成綜效鏈,使整體發揮遠高於個別企業的能力,因而帶動技術成長與生態環境的成熟。 本論文中將會針對綜效鏈的特性予以論述。先建立初步的記號表達,並對綜效鏈的結構、內部與外部競爭作說明。然後以綜效鏈分析智慧型手機產業,描述 Apple iOS 與 Google Android 的綜效鏈結構,並說明廠商之間的競爭策略。進一步的說明 2007~2012年間的智慧型手機競爭,進行逐年的分析,說明如何透過綜效鏈的整合,在產業競爭中勝出。然後再論述綜效鏈的生命週期,並據以說明智慧型手機產業如何與 PC 個人電腦產業進行產業競爭。最後對於企業要如何透過綜效鏈分析,找出自己的產業定位與策略,給予建議。並對綜效鏈未來的研究方向作概括性的說明。


Smartphone industry plays a significant role to push IT industry to enter the post-PC era. Smartphone industry integrates different complementary industries in order to provide higher value to consumers. When consumers buy a smartphone, they enjoy not only the value of a mobile phone, but also functionality by mobile operating system, various APP softwares, APP market services, handset subsidies by telecommunication operators, and cloud services paid advertisers. In this thesis, we discuss on this new type of industrial structure. According to its feature, we name this industrial structure "Synergy Chain". The synergy chain originated from the "complementor" in Value Net analysis: When two companies are complementors for each other, they have synergy to gain “one plus one is greater than two” effects, so we call there is "synergy link" between two companies. When there are several synergy links linked to each other, “synergy chain” will be formed to provide higher value than the capacity of each individual companies, and thus drive the technological growth and maturity of the industrial environment. The characteristics of synergy chain are discussed in this thesis. We establish preliminary expression marks for illustration first, and then discuss the structure and competition of synergy chain. Then, we use synergy chain structure to analysis smartphone industry. We describe the synergy chain structure for Apple iOS and Google Android, and their competition strategies. We further describe the smartphone competition from 2007 to 2012, and conduct yearly analysis of how industry competition through synergy chain integration. Then, we introduce the life cycle of the synergy chain, and illustrate how smartphone and PC industries compete. Finally, we give suggestions for enterprises to identify their industrial position and strategy by synergy chain analysis. Besides, we also give suggestions for future research on synergy chain analysis.


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