  • 學位論文

Web 2.0應用服務策略行動之研究-以Yahoo!、Google、MSN為例

Strategic Reaction of Web 2.0 Application-A Case of Yahoo!, Google, and MSN

指導教授 : 江炯聰


這篇論文是關於最新的網路趨勢Web 2.0,並且以Yahoo!、Google以及MSN作為個案研究。本文先描述Web 2.0的核心概念,也就是使用者貢獻內容,許多提供Web 2.0服務的網站藉由使用者參與、分享與建立社群以及使用者定義標籤並形成大眾分類法等三種方式來吸引使用者。至於Web 2.0網站的經營模式,主要藉由加入Google的合作網路Google AdSense而獲得收入來源。Google AdSense這種搜尋式廣告的提供,擴大了搜尋引擎的合作網路,使得廣告的合作網路、使用者與廣告主能形成正向回饋的效果,對於這些Web 2.0網站而言,加入這種廣告網路能夠使他們獲得穩定的廣告收入,而能專心在服務的提供。 Yahoo!、Google與MSN是目前網路服務的領導廠商,對於Web 2.0服務的提供主要著力在兩個方面。首先這些廠商都與Web 2.0網站一樣,提供一般性的Web 2.0服務,包括部落格與影片分享與搜尋。再者另一個重要的應用就表現在將「使用者貢獻內容」的精神運用在改善搜尋的結果上,也就是社會性搜尋服務的提供,在這方面Yahoo!是目前的領先者,而Google與MSN則在追趕當中。第二,上述服務仰賴於網路廣告作為獲利來源,尤其是類似於AdSense的服務,Yahoo!的Yahoo! Publisher Network以及MSN的Microsoft AdCenter就是為了對抗AdSense所提供的新服務。而Google在原本就已完備的廣告服務外,也積極嘗試新的廣告媒體與型態,甚至推出自有的付款機制,以加強網路廣告效果。 Web 2.0網站由於在經營模式上受限於搜尋式的廣告,難以獨立建立起屬於本身的廣告網路,因此未來的發展上除了成為領導廠商合作網路的一份子之外,也容易產生許多被併購的現象。


Web 2.0 雅虎 谷歌 微軟 MSN 社會性搜尋


This research is about the latest internet phenomenon: Web 2.0. We will take Yahoo!, Google, and MSN as case studies. At the beginning of this research, we will introduce the core concept of Web 2.0: User-Generated Content. The Web 2.0 website attracts users by three methods: (1) participation, (2) sharing and community and (3) tagging and folksonomy. As for the operation of Web 2.0 websites, most of the revenue comes from joining Google’s AdSense. The existence of Google’s AdSense connects search engine, internet users and advertisers. To these Web 2.0 websites, by joining these advertisement networks, they will earn a steady stream of income and, therefore, are able to concentrate on providing service. Yahoo!, Google, and MSN are the current leading internet service provider. Their Web 2.0 service emphasizes on two aspects. First, similar to Web 2.0 websites, they provide media, blogs, video sharing, and search engine. Most important of all, they applied the concept of “User-Generated Content” on improving search results. In this aspect, Yahoo! has done the best so far. Second, because this kind of service replies on advertisement income, Yahoo and MSN have introduced Yahoo Publisher Network and Microsoft AdCenter respectively to fight against the new service provided by Google AdSense. Although Google has already possessed a sound advertisement service, it is developing new format of advertisement, introducing its own paying system, and enhancing advertisement effect. Because the operation of Web 2.0 websites is limited by search offerings, it is difficult to establish their own networks of advertisement. As a result, Web 2.0 websites usually have to cooperate with other large corporations, and sometimes involve in merger.


Web 2.0 Yahoo Google microsoft MSN social search


4. 應建中(2006),搜尋引擎網站經營模式策略研究,國立台灣大學商學研究所碩士論文。
16. Google Suggest, http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=1&hl=en
18. Interactive Advertising Bureau, http://www.iab.net/news/pr_2006_05_30.asp
30. Yahoo! Investor Relations, http://yhoo.client.shareholder.com/calendar.cfm?CalendarID=3


