  • 學位論文

神靈、民族、與認同的空間政治: 日治與戰後台北盆地尪公年例之變遷

Gods, Nations, and Spatial Politics of Identity: Ang-kong Festival of Taipei Basin(1895-1945)

指導教授 : 夏鑄九
共同指導教授 : 吳叡人


本文以台北盆地的「尪公」年例為材料,討論自清末以降台北盆地空間變遷史的一個面向。我的討論分為兩個部份:在第一部份裡,我針對尪公年例本身的儀式與神話進行分析,說明漢人對台北盆地的「開墾」不只是單純生計營作,也同時生產空間的象徵秩序,及地方化的歷史記憶。在第二部份裡面,我轉而對日治與戰後時期進行考察,說明因國家治理模式的變遷,也導致對漢人民間信仰生產的空間紋理產生影響,其中又以日本帝國與國民黨政府的民族建構計畫影響最鉅。 關於尪公祭祀的運作,有別於既有的「祭祀圈」理論,或以建有庄廟之漢人聚落所發展出的空間模型,民眾透過想像中流動的「外庄」神明與兵馬,以生產庄頭內部的空間秩序。而祭祀的儀式與神話除了產出地方化的時-空秩序外,也藉此通過朦朧的方式想像廣遠帝國的存在。在第五章裡面,我將說明日本帝國察覺到漢人民間信仰的特殊性質後,視其為建構日本民族想像與「國家神道」空間的主要障礙,但由於殖民知識的局限,以及空間策略的結構性縫隙,使得在台北盆地的執行成效並不理想。在第六章裡面,我指出國民黨政府延續民國初年發展出的民族主義意識型態,也將漢人民間信仰視為邁向「現代」民族的障礙。但在全面禁止的過程中,由於執行困難,因此於一九七○年代轉而發展出收編媽祖等神明進入「民族文化」的策略,並計劃將台北盆地的漢人祭祀統一更改為媽祖祭典。 綜合本文分析,我試圖呈現在地方社會的場景中,大眾如何經驗到現代國家治理模式的「管」或「介入」。在這個過程裡,人民不見得理解國家政策的形成脈絡,卻透過既有地方知識體系的象徵資源,擬定與官方互動的詮釋性策略。但也在這樣的互動之中,也使得既有的空間脈絡發生變遷,在台北盆地的例子中並促成媽祖信仰的興起,以及尪公信仰的相對衰退。本文認為漢人民間信仰絕非相對封閉的地方事務,而一直在廣遠體制的影響中受到影響。


This text uses the Ang-kong cults of Taipei basin as source material to discuss an aspect of the spatial transition history of Taipei basin since the Ching Dynasty. My discussion is divided into two parts: in the first part, I aim at analyzing the ritual and myth of the Ang-kong cults to explain that the Han folk’s cultivation of the Taipei basin is not merely a way of livelihood but also a symbolic order of the production area and a localized historical memory. In the second part, I turn to survey the period of the Japanese rule and the post war era to explain how the country’s administrative transition could influence the spatial pattern of the Han folk’s popular beliefs’ output, among which the Japanese empire and the KMT government’s nation-building project are of the greatest influence. The operation of the ceremony of Ang-kong is different from the so-called “religious sphere” theory or the spatial model made by the development of Han hamlets with temples built. The spatial order inside the hamlets is produced through the imagination of the moving of the gods and army “outside the hamlets.” Rituals and myths not only produce the localized time-space order but also let people image the distant great empire through this hazy way. In chapter five I would explain the awareness of the spatial quality of the local belief of Han by Japanese empire, and they also regarded this belief as the main disturbance of the construct of the imagination of Japanese nationality or the space of “Shinto”. But due to the limitation of the colonial knowledge and the constructional interstice of their spatial strategy, it wasn’t well executed in Taipei basin. In chapter six, I point out the KMT government, who kept their nationalism ideology from the early years of 1910s, also regarded the local belief of Han as the disturbance of stepping into a “modern” nation. But in the process of totally forbidden, they found it was difficult to enforce so they changed to develop a tactic to include gods such as Ma-Tzu in “national culture”, and planed to unify the ceremonies of Han in Taipei basin as the ceremony of Ma-Tzu. To summarize the whole context, I try to express how people experience the “rule” or “intervention” of the management modes of a modern country in scenes of local society. In this process, people might not understand the sequence of the forming of national policies, but they draw up explanatory tactics to interact with the government through the symbolic resources in the existed local knowledge system. But in such interaction the existed sequence of space was changed by this influence, in the example of Taipei basin, it causes the rise of Ma-tzu belief and the relatively fall of Ang-kong belief. This context regards the local belief of Han is definitely influenced in the effect of a huge system and not a relatively closed local affair.


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