  • 學位論文


A Comparison between Globalized Experiential Marketing and Localized Consumer Experiences of Organic Cosmetics -A Case Study of Canmeng AVEDA in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李碧涵


本研究之重點在於針對跨國天然植物性化妝品品牌AVEDA的體驗行銷策略與台灣本土消費者之體驗感受進行分析。藉由對 AVEDA企業及台灣消費者進行深度訪談的方式,了解天然植物性化妝品AVEDA的全球性體驗行銷策略發展情形,並進一步探討AVEDA進入台灣市場後特殊的在地化經營模式及體驗行銷策略轉型;並且透過對消費者實際深入訪談的方式,了解本土消費者之實際認知體驗感受,並且與企業的行銷策略進行對照比較,進而發現兩者之間的異同情形,更為近年來在台灣化妝品消費市場上興起的天然植物性化妝品,提供實際案例分析的初探研究。 本文研究目的在於描述天然植物性化妝品在全球的歷史與發展過程,以及天然植物性化妝品AVEDA在全球性的發展及跨國體驗行銷策略。並且透過深度訪談的方式了解AVEDA跨國天然植物性化妝品進入台灣市場後的特殊在地化經營模式及體驗行銷策略轉型。最後藉由問卷訪談的方式,探討台灣本土消費者對於天然植物性化妝品AVEDA之跨國體驗行銷策略的接受度、反應與偏好,並針對AVEDA之全球企業擴張與本土消費者行為之間的落差,進行比較分析。 透過本研究之問卷訪談,發現下列的研究結果:首先,使用AVEDA產品的台北消費者以中上階級的消費族群為主,職業中以專業人士及文化藝術媒體工作居多。其次,在AVEDA企業的全球擴張過程中,台灣代理商的在地化特色在於其拓展模式、人員經營、本土化體驗服務項目與AVEDA在其他國家的擴張模式不同。最後,AVEDA全球擴張下的營運策略與台灣本土消費者行為之落差,主要在於其企業理念訴求並未全面被本土消費者所接受,以及在產品設計上仍須再針對亞洲地區市場推出更適合當地消費需求的特製化產品。


The aim of this study is to analyze the experiential marketing strategy of a multinational organic cosmetics brand of AVEDA and the localized consumer in Taiwan. By applying in-depth interview with AVEDA enterprise and Taiwan consumers, we analyze the globalized experiential marketing strategy, and further investigate the particular localized management and experiential marketing strategy transformation after AVEDA entering the Taiwan market. By in-depth interviews of Taipei consumers, we explore the cognitive experience of local consumers, and compare it with the marketing strategy of the AVEDA enterprise. We take a step further to find out the similarities and differences between the AVEDA marketing strategy and the consumers cognitive experience, and hope to provide a practical case study for the recently emerging market of organic cosmetics in Taiwan. The research results of my questionnaire interview are as follows: firstly, my research results reveal that major AVEDA product users in Taipei are upper middle class consumers. The occupation of these consumers are mostly professionals and cultural/ art/ media workers. Secondly, in the global expansion process of AVEDA enterprise, the local features of Taiwan agent that differ from those in other countries lie in its expansion pattern, personnel management, and its localized experiential service items. Thirdly, the gaps between the AVEDA management strategy and Taiwan local consumer behaviors are mainly attributed to 1) the consumption ideas of social responsibilities of the AVEDA are not fully accepted by local consumers, and 2) on the product design the AVEDA should pay more attention to the Asian markets and produce more specialized products to accommodate the needs of Asian consumers.




