  • 學位論文


Design of an Ultra-Low-Power FSK Transceiver by Using Q-enhanced and Direct Power Transfer Techniques

指導教授 : 林宗賢


在近十年,低功耗無線技術蓬勃發展使人們更容易連接各種裝置。在可想像的未來,大量無線節點組成的物聯網可連結更多裝置,而射頻設備使用週期會被電池電量限制,使得大量維護射頻裝置變得困難。為了打造無電池的射頻環境,可以利用射頻或熱能收集電路為射頻節點提供能量。因為不需要更換電池,這些無電池的射頻節點可以降低人工成本,並且容易維護射頻系統。故低功耗、高感度的接收機與高效率的發射器是布建無電池射頻環境的關鍵電路。 本收發機工作電壓在0.6伏特,資料傳輸速率為200千比特每秒,操作頻率為429百萬赫茲的超低功耗頻移鍵控接收器。本接收器採用增強Q值低雜訊放大器來降低此電路功率消耗和頻率轉換時間技術去區分不同的時間週期來解調頻移鍵控訊號。本接收器在0.1%的誤碼率下提供-85分貝毫瓦的靈敏度,消耗功率為146微瓦。 本發射器工作電壓在0.6伏特,操作頻率為429百萬赫茲的頻移鍵控發射器。此發射器移除高功耗電路,如:功率放大器和鎖相迴路電路和採用振盪器通過匹配電路造成阻抗轉換,使震盪器直接驅動天線。本發射器消耗0.39毫瓦和提供 -8.2分貝毫瓦的輸出功率,並實現38.7%的整體效率。本收發機採用台積電90奈米CMOS工藝製造。


The considerable development of mobile devices in recent decades has enabled people all over the world to connect more easily with each other. In the foreseeable future, the Internet-of-things is composed of numerous nodes that connect more devices, yet the lifetime of a RF device is limited by the battery energy. Numerous RF devices need replacement batteries that maintain the system difficulty. To implement the battery-less technology, RF energy or thermoelectric harvester was feasible to develop an autonomous power management system that supplies energy to RF nodes. Because the battery does not have to be changed, these battery-less RF nodes are useful for decreasing the labor cost and easily maintaining an RF system. Thus, a low-power high-sensitivity receiver and a high-efficiency transmitter are critical sub-circuits in the battery-less RF systems. The 429-MHz ultralow-power frequency-shift keying transceiver operated at 0.6 V at 200 kb/s is presented in this work. The receiver used in this work employs a Q-enhanced LNA to lower current consumption and a proposed frequency-to-time-based technique that demodulates the output data by discriminating the corresponding date period. The proposed RX provides a sensitivity of −85 dBm at a bit error rate of 0.1% and consumes a power of 0.146 mW. The 429-MHz frequency-shift keying transmitter is also operated at 0.6 V in this work. For eliminating circuits that consume high power, in particular power amplifier and phase-locked loop, the proposed TX adopts an oscillator that drives the antenna through an impedance matching network for power conversion. The TX consumes 0.39 mW, supplies an output power of −8.2 dBm, and achieves a global efficiency of 38.7%. The TRX was fabricated in TSMC 90-nm CMOS process.


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