  • 學位論文


Civits and Society teachers with high teaching pross of pedagogical content Profcessional literacy formation –as an example by Da Dau high school

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


論文名稱:高中公民與社會科教師學科教學專業素養形 成歷程研究—以大道高中為例 頁數:162 校系(所)組別:淡江大學教育政策與領導研究所碩士班 畢業時間及提要別:100學年度第 2學期 碩士學位論文提要 研究生:李淑君 指導教授:薛雅慈 論文提要內容: 本研究目的旨在討論高中公民與社會科教師在學科教學專業素養的形成歷程,研究對象為大道高中的兩位公民與社會科教師。 本研究採用之研究方法包括訪談法、教學觀察和文件分析方法。進行訪談時是以本研究自行設計之訪談大綱為工具。本研究得出以下主要結論。 一、在公民與社會科學科教學知識的來源方面: (一) 先前的教學實務經驗,將使初任教師自信大增 (二) 求學時期的優秀教師將成為日後教學典範 (三) 師資培育課程是奠定教師專業素養的基石 (四) 師資培育時期的教學實習是教師體驗教學的最佳機會 (五) 生命點滴的故事成為教師的教育信念 二、在公民與社會科學科教學知識的內涵方面: (一) 教師的學科教學信念體現於教師的教學風格與學生的學習 (二) 公民與社會科課程涵蓋範圍太廣,教師出現專業不足的窘境 (三) 教師對於新世代學生的思想,仍有無力招架之感 (四) 礙於教學進度的限制,教師難以進行多元的教學方式 (五) 教師應採多元評量方式,才能適切地檢視學生之學習成效 (六) 貼近生活的課程內容,較能引起學生的學習興趣 關鍵字:高中公民與社會科課程;公民與社會科教師;學科教學知識 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM030-01


Title of Thesis: Civits and Society teachers with Total pages:162 high teaching pross of pedagogical content Profcessional literacy formation –as an example by Da Dau high school key word: acurriculum of civits and society; civits and society teachers; the pedagogical content knowledge Name of institute:Graduate institute of Education,Policy and Leadership Tamang University Graduate date:June,2012 Degree conferred:M.Ed. Name of student: Shu-Jun Lee Advisor:Dr.Ya-Ci,Hsueh 李淑君 薛雅慈 博士 Abstract: This study aim,by adopting the methods of document analysis,field Interview,and observation,to explore the process of constructing the Pedagogical content Profcessional literacy formation –as an example by Da Dau high school.An self-designed semi-structured interview schedule was used as the research tool of the interview. The main conclusions ofthis study were as follows: Resourecs of Pedagogical content knowedge in civits and society ats: 1.The previously teaching experiences could encourage teachers 2.Study period of excellent teachers will be teaching model in the Future. 3.Teacher training course is laying the cornerstone of the professional quality of teachers. 4.Practice teaching of teacher training is the best of teachers 's experience teaching opportunities. 5.life stories become teacher's education faith. Meaning of pedagogical content knowedge in civits and society ats: 1.Teachers ' teaching beliefs reflected in the teacher's style of teaching and student learning. 2.Citizen and broad scope of the social studies curriculum, teachers' low professional dilemma. 3.Thought of teachers for a new generation of students, is still unable to cope with feeling. 4.Due to teaching schedule constraints, teachers hard to diverse teaching methods. 5.Teachers should adopt multi-assess, to properly examine student learning results 6.Close to life course content, more to arouse students ' interests in learning. 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM030-01


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