  • 學位論文


Sustainable Development and Business Strategy Study of Social Enterprises on Particular Area – a Case Study of BulauBulau Aboriginal Village in Yilan

指導教授 : 林長青


本研究之個案宜蘭不老部落,是緣於原住民保留地政策而形成的一個原住民新生聚落。不老部落以永續發展為目標,採取特定區域社會企業的型態,師法營利組織之經營策略,強調農業生產與泰雅文化之恢復,貫徹原住民之「自立生存」、「自我認同」與「自信生活」的價值意識。 本研究以深度訪談法與文獻分析法對個案加以分析探討,初步研究之後有如下幾點的發現: 1.個案在適當的體制之中,能夠落實「生活」、「生態」、「生產」、「生機」、「生存」之循環,形成「五生一體永續發展有機體」的部落。 2.採用特定區域社會企業之模式,以積極主動的策略創造出屬於部落獨特又具價值的地位。 3.以建教合作之技術學習方式,發掘潛在的能力與興趣,培育原住民青年為部落發展之種子,找到自我在部落的生存價值,創造永續生存契機,擴大永續有機體的循環。 對於上述的發現,希望能藉由本個案之經驗讓其他部落之原住民作為未來發展的參考。


BulauBulau is an aboriginal village in Ilan setting up according to the national policy of aboriginal reservation. The goals of the village are for sustainable development, for applying to social enterprises on particular area and for a profitable organization using certain business strategies. In other words, is to develop sustainable farming within Atayal culture to achieve “self- survival”, “self-identity” and “self-confident life”. The research approaches are in-depth interviewing with contents analysis method to investigate and analyze the case. The results of this study are shown as follows: 1.The case study has shown the realization of “Livelihood”, “Productivity”, “Ecology”, “Vitality” and “Existence”, the five dimension perspectives of a sustainable aboriginal village. 2.The application of social enterprises on particular area has created unique and valuable strategic activities for the aboriginal village. 3.Technological learning with cooperative education could help exploring the potential capabilities and interests of the tribal youths. It can foster the development of the youths as seeds and find themselves in a tribal survival value by creating opportunity for long-term sustainable cycle of the aboriginal village. The results of this study can provide a reference for other aboriginal villages toward sustainable development.


江文頤,2013。 商業模式對社會企業經營績效之影響,元智大學管理學院經營管理碩士班碩士論文。
